I have experience adding/managing products on multiple e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Shopify, Wix, Etsy, Ebay, Wordpress, Godaddy, etc... HTML, CSS and wordpress experience.
Posting/boosting content on social media sites and researching the audience reaction.
Website design and maintaining websites. I have self taught myself to use photoshop, Illustrator, and many e-commerce platforms.
I am hard working, dependable, detail oriented, takes initiative, determination, motivation, and a fast learner.
If you are you know someone who is hiring, please contact me. My resume is available upon request. My salary requirements are $17 - $25. Looking for full time or part time and remote. #workfromhome #availableforwork #qualifications #motivation
Ok so im new here, i am looking for suggestions on where to go with my bachelors degree in Social Work. I graduate on Nov. 24th 2020 and im trying to relocate with $1200 to my name. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. #education #unemployment #qualifications
My Wife is out of town un till Nov. 22nd. I'm am doing this for her. She has experience as a Vet Tech. #recruiter #qualifications #training #advice #salary #general
Work is on mind # #jobsearch #warehouselogistics #nowhiring #education #qualifications
Hi. My name is Stephany. I am seeking a job. I’m a recent graduate from California State University Channel Islands, with a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Studies. I don’t have work experience, but the type of experience I have is being a student teacher with toddlers and preschool children. Also, I have some volunteer experience in working with preschool children and preschool children with special needs. I’m willing to work any type of job and can learn the skills needed to be learned for the job. #qualifications
If you contact your districts reps and Murray/cantwell in an e-mail they will help...Well folks after 1 day shy of 16 weeks my Queen finally got paid..deposited into her account this morning...contact your representatives and of course MURRAY AND CANTWELL...they can help....
Here is the support page on FaceBook.."Washington State Unemployment Support Group" .all the info everyone needs is there...for the last 16 weeks We all have been helping all un-Enjoyment folks get thru to get paid...Come join and READ the new USERS info most of your questions will be answered there by folks who have been going thru this for the last 5 months... #qualifications
I've applied for several jobs that I am very qualified for online but have not received any interview offers. I've read a little bit about how computers often "read" the resumes for specific words before flagging them so that an actual human looks at it. How does this actually work? Where can I find out more information about this so I can polish my resume so I will have better results? #resume #qualifications #resumeparsing
Hi Kristen - if you haven't already, I'd suggest checking out @Elyssa Duncan 's post about resume keywords - https://www.jobcase.com/articles/32c953db-1f71-421a-88ed-322514a33835. She talks about resume scanning in it!
The person who gets hired for a job Rarely has every skill or qualification the employer wants, and sometimes ( pretty often, actually) it's not the most skilled person who gets the job. Here's why, Employers will almost always hire someone who seemed honest, upfront and accountable in the interview room, even if it means offering the job to someone less talent, experience, skills, accomplishments and qualification's. Why, because talent and all those other things are Useless, if you don't have a good work ethic, aren't " coach able " and open to feedback, humble, accountable, if you mess up and make a mistake etc. In fact someone who's very talented but is stubborn and not open to feedback can be a boss worst nightmare. So make sure you highlight the right " soft skills " and positive personality traits in your interview. You'll get far more job offers if you do this.
stop. From. tellings. the public. Bunch of Lies. Oh no. don't have. on. Jobs. to. offers. to. any. One. you all. a. set. of. fakes. bull. shits. In out. the public. no. such. things. their. is. no. Jobs. Bull. Shi ts. gon tries to interrupt my text