Last job was twilight gardens making concrete statues. had to leave due to concrete dust and nose sugery. Sonic was before that and i washed parking lot and made small repairs. before that i was mechanic on construction equiptent #resume
I try my best to listen.. not do so much talking. I answer honestly and briefly.
Of course honesty but I may need a minute. “Let me think that through for a minute.” I’m an introvert which I can explain and if I answer off the top of my head, I tend to want to edit and re-edit my response later.
I would set my own hours and captain my own ship ... In other words a sole proprietor.. at least for starters..have my own way of doing things
My dream job is to be able to set up a non-profit to help first time at risk mom’s and their children into adulthood.
Should your employer give you a reasonable amount of time to transition back to in office work from remote? Why or why not?
#jobsearch #workfromhome #interview #application #hiringnews #resume #advice
Yes because it will be a readjustment for the employees and employer and should be done over a specific time frame. Ideally
Judging others based on appearance
Your ability to be dependable.
Ability to be dependable.
How long should a resume be?
Remember - the resume is what gets you the interview and the interview is what gets you the offer. I've seen executives use a one-page resume. Most people should have 1-2 pages. If you tailor it to the job and you only use relevant bullets, two-pages is easy!
Objectives have always seemed a bit redundant to me, but sometimes they can be used to show your specific goals for the prospective role. Summaries seem generally more useful, and can convey your aspirations as well.
A summary is a description of experience and what expect if hired.
Take it as a sign