First of all, dont allow anyone to distract you from your main goal your there to get something very important for your self is a job worrying about anyone or anybody thinking that your a bum its just a distration that will keep you from your goals
With some references, I have been guaranteed a reference upon request. Others are close friends beyond the workplace.
Highlight Key accomplishments that set you apart from other prospects
I am honest and thorough about my history and experience - which is extensive.
Inspection of the job
Instantaneous thought Factor applied with discernment, will get you through all the time
The best memorable advice I learned was "You earned your title, it wasn't just given to you."
If you don't know,ask. Say you don't know.
Always make time or force your self to take 1hr breaks
Iv always been a self starter and I have a secluded office and other than having to dress to go to work,I get up and go to my office.I don't have small children or really anyone to distract me.
Is this a trick question? Interaction with people, all types of people is why we even live on this realm. I can't laugh with my coffee pot & my dogs can't give me an opinion on the market, so yes, it's different.
At least hitting the phones, closing deals in a competitive environment forces one to challenge the leaderboard as well as the team.
Our bird "Tweety" chirping in the background does not. But is that just me? I Think Not?
I work hybrid, but would prefer to work from home.
I quit selling automobiles at a Honda store where I was told it would be asinine to think I could ever move up there. I walked through the next door restaurant parking lot and in the main door of the Dodge Ram store. I got a job selling automobiles and worked my way up to the Director of Financial Services within 6 months. I proved to myself that given the opportunity, I can grow into that role.
yes! I am doing it right now changing my career for 36 yrs
I would like a job to provide their own equipment
Equipment needed to work remotely and flexibility
I'd say the most important tool in finding an ideal job is finding a good recruiter. Beyond that, most of it seems to be experience, tenacity, and luck.
Networking and getting involved in activities that others share with you. People refer people they like and who share common interests.
I just relocated here and I need a job