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Crystal Nixon, CSP
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Don’t get complacent with the application process because you think you’ve got a winning resume. 🥸🫥 Take your time, read the directions, and don’t skip over the fine print! 🔍📄😉 #JobSearch #Tips #JobTips #WestSoundWorkforce #Application #Interview

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Michael Carvalho
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Following some good career advice and tips will always be helpful for career growth.

  1. Never Stop Learning

One of the most powerful things to advance your career -- or in any circumstance for that matter -- is knowledge.

Never stop learning. This will improve the way you think, and of course, your knowledge.

One of the best things that happened in this pandemic is online learning. Now, education has become more accessible than ever. There shouldn’t be an excuse for people not to learn new things.

  1. Work On Goals

Working on goals that matter first is among the best advice and tips anyone can give you. Give care to your assignments and show your boss you have enthusiasm for what you’re doing.

If the assignment is not something that excites you, motivate yourself with personal tasks to achieve a goal.

Setting goals organizes your way of thinking and makes tasks more manageable for you to handle.

  1. Be Organized

Use a personal organization system and be organized with your daily tasks. This can help you develop good habits and make you well-organized.

You’ll be surprised how much more you can do when you organize your daily schedule rather than just doing things on the fly.

  1. Be A Team Player

Don’t be selfish. Everyone will appreciate a person who works well alongside other people rather than someone who works alone. This is one of the most significant pieces of advice and tips to become a successful leader in the future.

Being a team player raises how people respect you, and at the same time, builds a strong network and relationship with your co-workers.

Traits like these affect people around you and make them act the same way.

  1. Value Your Network

In addition to building a network of people you can use as connections in the future, it is vital to value them.

By valuing them, you are building a relationship that can last for a very long time.

  1. Value Your Health

Above everything else, taking care of your health is one of the most important things to advance in your career.

Taking care of yourself is also essential to do all the things you need for work to advance.

  1. Focus On Results

Focus on the results rather than focusing on how long each task will take. By disregarding the time, you’ll be able to focus on the quality of the job rather than just thinking of finishing it.

  1. Speak Up

Express your ideas and speak up. Expressing yourself is one of the advice and tips that you will always get from every successful professional. Confidence is something that can take you places. High confidence equates to more people listening to you, which in turn can make you more reliable.

At the same time, speaking up and being confident can mean you care about your job and that you’re taking things seriously.

  1. Welcome Feedback

Always welcome feedback and take this opportunity to improve things and your skills. People learn from mistakes and grow from them to develop their skills.

  1. Maintain A Good Work Ethic

Good work ethic is consistently recognized by bosses and gives you a great image.

Management praises those who work honestly, truthfully, and professionally and are the most awarded at the end of the day. Try using some of these tips to help advance in your current position. #Jobtips #JobAdvice #advice

1 Comment
Brooklyn Mattison
ContributorBullet point
over 6 months ago

So you have everything on your resume that you should have right? What about the things you shouldn’t have on there? 🤔

Check these 4 things out that you need to remove immediately so you can get hired! 👏🏽

📝1.) Your full address! I cannot express this enough that it is not their business. Your full address falls under confidential information.

📝2.) Your personal interest! As much as you care about them, which is okay! It’s a time and a place for everything and your resume is not one of them.

📝3.) Images. 100% not necessary unless required for the application to the position. They can see you when they interview you baby.

📝4.) A job from 10+ years ago. Take er off! Unless that job directly ties to your desired position you don’t need it!

It’s time to get hired at that job you want. It’s yours, go get it and update that resume!!! 📝

Did this help? Comment below if you have questions! 💭⬇️

#resume #resumetips #bookwithbrook #resumewriting #résumé #coverletter #work #coverlettertips #jobtips #work #careergoals #careertipscoaching #jobhelp #jobshiring #growth #resumewriting #resumeservices

Jeff Magnuson, MBA
ContributorBullet point
over 6 months ago

If you have a manager (or another colleague) who is bullying you repeatedly or who acts very unprofessionally to you over and over again, you HAVE to take steps to bring it to an end.

No one deserves to have this type of stress in their life. I’ve seen (and experienced) how this behavior can negatively impact people’s health.

The first thing you have to do is clearly document the behavior.

Second, practice what you are going to say to whomever is bullying or mistreating you at work in a calm but firm tone.

And third, sit down in a private 1:1 meeting, lay out the issue(s), and TELL them their mistreatment of you stops right now.

Often, this is all that will be necessary because bullies, underneath all the false bravado, are just cowards who likely know what they are doing is wrong, but just keep doing it because they feel they can get away with it with you.

This is not your fault, but you must take steps to stop it.

If that doesn’t work, you escalate accordingly. Either through HR or, if that’s not enough, an appropriate employment lawyer.

Bottom line: No one deserves to be bullied or mistreated in the workplace and the only one who can REALLY make sure it comes to an end is you.

#workplace #hr #bullying #advice #jobtips #harassment

Find Your Future LA
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Original Content Post #5: Resume Section Guide

Are you building your first resume? If you happen to be at a loss for what to include and how to word your sections, fear no more! Our custom guide to essential resume sections will set you on a path for success. We've even included examples of exactly how you can format and write your text.

Check out the post on our Instagram: https://bit.ly/2YLCTjW

Visit findyourfuture.la to get started with your job search. We have a job quiz that leads directly to Jobcase too!

#findyourfuturela #resume #resumehelp #job #jobs #jobsearch #employment #opportunities #resumeguide #resumetips #jobtips #cv #work #improvement #resumeguide

Find Your Future LA
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Original Content Post #5: Resume Section Guide

Are you building your first resume? If you happen to be at a loss for what to include and how to word your sections, fear no more! Our custom guide to essential resume sections will set you on a path for success. We've even included examples of exactly how you can format and write your text.

Check out the post on our Instagram: https://bit.ly/2YLCTjW

Visit findyourfuture.la to get started with your job search. We have a job quiz that leads directly to Jobcase too!

#findyourfuturela #resume #resumehelp #job #jobs #jobsearch #employment #opportunities #resumeguide #resumetips #jobtips #cv #work #improvement #resumeguide

Michael Esko
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

#JobTips Here is a little trick for low/no exp job seekers. When you are applying for a job, go to the location that offers the job with a resume or summary of skills and a cover letter. Ask the front person of the general manager is in the store ar that time. Of they are not, you find out when they will be there, leave, and come back at that time. You NEED the manager to be there. Now full out the application and have the manager paged. When the manager comes up hand them your resume, skills, and cover letter (and application if it wasn't done on computer). Shake their hand, introduce yourself, and say " Thank you coming out to meet me, I am sure you are busy. I just wanted to make sure that my information made it into the right hands as I am very interested in working with company name. " Wait for a response, many times, i smaller stores and restaurants you will be given an interview on the spot. If not thank them for their time and consideration and let them know you hope to hear from them in the near future. ****This only works for entry level positions, mom and pop stores, restaurants, and small general retail stores (like dollar general and family dollar, some grocery chains, gas stations, etc.) Good luck out there!!
