As the year 2022 draws to a close, many of us are thinking of 2023, and making plans to make it a great year, much better than the last. We just know this will be our year. With that attitude, we may just be right. I haven’t made a New Year’s Resolution in quite some time because when I used to I never followed through with any of the changes on my list. I got to the point that I thought what is the point in setting myself up for failure and letting myself down. After all, they say history repeats itself. But what if we commit to a resolution or two that we feel are actually doable? I know with me it was always those far-fetched fantasy changes that I would visualize in my mind that set me in a light of awedome, which may not even be a word, but it sure was an angelic light I could see myself basked within. I would notice my back getting perfectly straight with my ears above my shoulders, while my chest imitated the look of a fresh set of fifty push-ups, as I would share with those I came into contact with the next year’s plans to become what would take anyone else ten years to accomplish. As February made me shiver and delayed the 12 month journey to perfection, the dampness of the spring made me wait until June, but the heat was starting to get intense, and I knew it be best to wait until September when the beauty of fall would create an adrenaline rush strong enough to cover what was neglected in the previous months, but as October rolled out with shorter nights, I knew I still had a chance if I took off before the Christmas lights. Without remembering all I set out to do, I found myself once again at my desk penning a much more unattainable list. Yes, my intentions were pure, and I have found as I count the years, I am capable of anything on the written page; I can be ten feet tall with no struggles at all, but when it came to action, being a doer, I was only fooling myself when I’d write: exercise more, stop smoking, eat healthy every day, drink more water, volunteer more, learn a new language, sponsor a child in a third-world country, get more sleep, learn to play an instrument, get another degree and save more money. It wasn’t until I looked into the mirror that it donned on me, that the light came on in my mind, that I understood what those looks from others meant as they listened to my lunacy. Were my year after year failures due to my not being held accountable? Or was there some insecurity that caused me to prove to the world I can do it? I’m not sure, but I still have a few days to ponder that and decide if I shall embark again, after lying dormant for years, on yet another string of promises to myself. I know I will, but this time it will be a tiny short list that I without a doubt know will be attainable, if…. And only if… I become a doer….. What about you? What will be your New Year’s Resolutions? Do you feel an accountability partner could be the thing that drives you toward completion? I am available for accountability. There is five days, counting today, until another New Year, a new beginning. I will make a list of five doable resolutions, one each day, beginning today, starting right now. Before the clock strikes midnight on the very last day of 2022, I will pick two from my list of five, the two that mean the most to me, and I will believe for the first time in my life, I have the discipline, drive, and accountability to succeed. And to whomever “They” are, the ones that say history repeats itself, I say to them now, “Not this time, buddy, not this year...” My first New Year’s Resolution for 2023, is to write 300 pages of a book by the end of the year. It seems doable to me, simple really; it’s less than a page a day... What will be the first on your list?……. #NewYear #Resolution #Promise #Improvement #Success #Confidence #Accomplishment #2023
Are you building your first resume? If you happen to be at a loss for what to include and how to word your sections, fear no more! Our custom guide to essential resume sections will set you on a path for success. We've even included examples of exactly how you can format and write your text.
Check out the post on our Instagram:
Visit to get started with your job search. We have a job quiz that leads directly to Jobcase too!
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Are you building your first resume? If you happen to be at a loss for what to include and how to word your sections, fear no more! Our custom guide to essential resume sections will set you on a path for success. We've even included examples of exactly how you can format and write your text.
Check out the post on our Instagram:
Visit to get started with your job search. We have a job quiz that leads directly to Jobcase too!
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Hello Jobcasers…
Long time no interaction. It’s been a while since I’ve been in the community, and I wanted to share a (minor) status update with those of you that were kind enough to not only wonder but worry or ask about me. I am currently going through major lifestyle changes which has taken my focus away from Jobcase for the time being. This has been long overdue but also something that needs to happen at this point and time in my life as a result of improving my overall lifestyle.
I’m working on changing my present so that I’m not affected by what the future could hold or present me with. This includes the unexpected. And like anything else, this takes time. Time to focus, time to improve, time to grow, time to invest, time to embrace and adapt to the many overwhelming changes. Time to take time. Adulting is never easy. It isn’t meant to be but it’s all about you first recognizing that something either should or needs to change and then working to actually change it. No excuses. The work is in the effort and there is beauty in that effort. Nothing worth having comes easy in life, but if you’re determined and focused on seeing it through then it’s all worth it in the end.
Bella, Cisco and I are okay but I’ve been away from my animals and it’s the hardest. I feel naked without them around but they are safe and well cared for during my absence, and that’s what’s important. We will be together again in due time. I’ve been extremely busy overseeing many things that need my attention. And for those of you that have contacted (or contact) me via Jobcase message or personal email, know that my responses will typically be returned but might also be delayed. I will eventually share the what, when, where, why, and who’s later, which I strongly believe that others within the community could learn from my experience(s). More importantly, I think this could help others that feel they need that push, that encouragement, that voice of reason to want to make changes for self and life improvement.
I am working on a lot, both personally and professionally, but I will return to Jobcase once the dust has settled.
Au Revoir.
Ive worked as a custodian for 6 years now, longer than I had planned. The pay is good, better than the average custodian makes, I work for a school district. Hours suck since I have kids, I dont see them hardly except on the weekends. We have a new boss as of last year almost 2 years and has been an ass lately sorry to say. I respect him but I am an anxious wreck around him or even to talk to him. Ever since he took over after our last boss retired he's been hiring people who he knows, doesn't give much for promotion or seniority and tends to be biased at times. The led custodian for a position had passed away and he pulled in a guy who was a sub and stuck him in that post. Its a 6 to 2 and I have the 2 to 11 shift. Its now a year since and the guy he put into the post got canned. I did let my boss know last year that if it didn't work out with this guy that I will be more than willing to take over with a 110 percent work ethic and performance. He told me ok and he'd consider it but because I had an injured shoulder and I was put on leave that he had to go with the other guy supposedly. But this past year he'd been cherry picking on my performance and I didn't pass my first work evaluation. I've since been more consistent with my work and made improvements, although the school Principle or my immediate supervisor would say other wise since he/she is not happy with anything it seems, no matter how good a job we do. My boss has been very moody lately since school year is about to start I assume. The 6 to 2pm post is open I think cause there hasn't been much talk about it being filled yet. Should I even bother to ask if I can be considered for it? Should I email or text my boss? Do you think he even remembers me throwing it out there that I will fill that position if the guy doesn't pan out? Ive tried to find a good time to talk to him in person but hes ether too busy with others or in a bad mood. I was told Supposedly depends on our Lead custodian on how they feel about me but then again, this last guy totally bombed from what I heard.
add a top 10 tab listing the hottest conversations..
This is interesting.. hummm let's see. I'm a visual person so any kind of online job search training video or FAQ would be nice. Topics on resume writing, cover letters, interview scenarios & strategies. I there a way I can follow certain conversations without having to flip through the pages to find them?