I was at job for almost 2 months, and had to quit to get the harassment and bullying to stop. Even after bringing it to my boss’s attention 3 times, he’s also HR because it’s a franchise. I had to endure being called names, cussed at, put down, threatened with physical harm if I went to my boss, I was too old an slow, and other things to graphic to say on here. What I don’t understand is why no attorney wants to help me or even give me advice on what to do. I feel like I was fored to quit because my boss didn’t even try to help me. What would you do if you were in my situation? #harassment, #bullying #advice

Tell them you're going to call a news station and turn them all in. Then see what the boss does then You have rights don't think you dont. Go to the HR office and tell them that.

I work at a hotel, and they recently opened a new restaurant in our same building. I spoke with the hiring manager at the restaurant about possibly working there part time, and he told me to bring him my resume and we could go from there. When I returned to work after my day off, my coworkers were being kind of rude, and making odd comments and laughing. Someone even tore my name badge off my storage cubical. I didn’t understand what was going on... until I found this:
By the front desk was the resume I had given to the restaurant manager, except it had ‘corrections’ written by my current manager all over it. And as I read it, the jokes my coworkers had been making suddenly made sense- they had read it too!
I’m so embarrassed and violated and hurt. I don’t know what to do.
Any advice? Thank you! #advice #management #bullying #resume #coworkers #discrimination #violation #privacy

I saw your other post. Ugh, I'd be upset too @Becca Mas. Don't let this situation get you down. I think it's pretty cool you're doing your best to advance your career.

It's time for some people to grow up and be adults.Ford

If you have a manager (or another colleague) who is bullying you repeatedly or who acts very unprofessionally to you over and over again, you HAVE to take steps to bring it to an end.
No one deserves to have this type of stress in their life. I’ve seen (and experienced) how this behavior can negatively impact people’s health.
The first thing you have to do is clearly document the behavior.
Second, practice what you are going to say to whomever is bullying or mistreating you at work in a calm but firm tone.
And third, sit down in a private 1:1 meeting, lay out the issue(s), and TELL them their mistreatment of you stops right now.
Often, this is all that will be necessary because bullies, underneath all the false bravado, are just cowards who likely know what they are doing is wrong, but just keep doing it because they feel they can get away with it with you.
This is not your fault, but you must take steps to stop it.
If that doesn’t work, you escalate accordingly. Either through HR or, if that’s not enough, an appropriate employment lawyer.
Bottom line: No one deserves to be bullied or mistreated in the workplace and the only one who can REALLY make sure it comes to an end is you.
Quit being a pussy and deal with the fact