You need to know how to deal with kids

Children are the best people to work with. They cultivate joy in my heart. They make me smile even when stressed. Am always busy doing what I love and enjoy doing with the children.

Information Managers Inc is looking for:
Internship OJT for Programming, IT , Marketing, and Finance Students
Job Description: Candidate must possess at least High School Diploma in any field. No work experience required.
Responsibilities : To do internship as required by university.
Interested applicant can send resume to carlos@infomaninc.com and please answer the following :
- How many hours are you required to render for your OJT? (e.g 200, 300 , 500, 600 hours etc.)
- When can you start your OJT?
- What is your skill? Please select one: (WEB development, Multimedia, Programming, PC troubleshooting, Accounting, Admin Task, Marketing, Writing
- What will be your work schedule? (e.g M-F, whole day; MWF, whole day, etc.)
- Do you have a laptop?
- What is your average grade? Are you a deans lister?
- what is your hobbies ?
- we do not provide any allowance for ojt, is this okay with you ?
- pls send your facebook profile.
- what does your parent does for a living ?
- can you report onsite for your ojt ?
Interested applicant can send resume to carlos@infomaninc.com
#marketing #work #job #experience #finance #students #university #school #internship #intern #accounting

Information Managers Inc is looking for:
Internship OJT for Programming, IT , Marketing, and Finance Students
Job Description: Candidate must possess at least High School Diploma in any field. No work experience required.
Responsibilities : To do internship as required by university.
Interested applicant can send resume to carlos@infomaninc.com and please answer the following :
- How many hours are you required to render for your OJT? (e.g 200, 300 , 500, 600 hours etc.)
- When can you start your OJT?
- What is your skill? Please select one: (WEB development, Multimedia, Programming, PC troubleshooting, Accounting, Admin Task, Marketing, Writing
- What will be your work schedule? (e.g M-F, whole day; MWF, whole day, etc.)
- Do you have a laptop?
- What is your average grade? Are you a deans lister?
- what is your hobbies ?
- we do not provide any allowance for ojt, is this okay with you ?
- pls send your facebook profile.
- what does your parent does for a living ?
- can you report onsite for your ojt ?
Interested applicant can send resume to carlos@infomaninc.com
#marketing #work #job #experience #finance #students #university #school #internship #intern #accounting

Want to learn how to #code? Are you or someone you know interested in learning to code/develop software? CodeX Academy has room for more #students If interested, check out the info at https://codex.academy/#/?promo=kristend022 This is great for anyone looking to change careers or high school seniors about to graduate but don't want to/plan to go to traditional college. All online classes!! #code #coding #softwaredevelopers #softwareengineer #CodeXAcademy #onlineclasses #selfpacedlearning #learning #software #school #changecareers #newcareer

Good morning! I need a job full time near my home in Astoria, Queens, NY …I travel 1hr and a half to Brooklyn everyday to a part time job with zero benefits and other issues at a school. I am interested in possibly working as Administrative Assistant or office manager….I am bilingual (English/Spanish) and I am prompt, reliable and very professional..I ran two art programs within two schools for 1year…I have managed music studios and educational programs for the past 10years of my life. If anyone knows an open position, please refer me. Thanks for your time and please spread the word* #officemanager #education #frontdesk #astoria #woodside #flushing #fulltime #administrator #officeassistant #art #realestate #school

WANNA GET HIRED? Here’s what you need;
Less IS more. 6 things you need FOR SURE on your resume and WHAT goes in each section.
1.) CONTACT and name. Yes. Contact. The employer needs to see where they can reach you to hire you!
2.) Your work experience. Well that’s pretty self explanatory.
3.) School experience! Add add add!
4.) Skills! What makes you YOU!
5.) Extracurricular activities or leadership roles. Employers love well rounded people!
6.) The extras! Volunteer work, etc.
You got this and if you don’t WE DO!
Book a free session today at btm-enterprises.com
Go get em🗣
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Follow me on Tiktok for more great tips 😊

Yall remember how as kids adults used to tell us “it’s not what you say but how you say it”
Well baby. That applies to building your resume as well. 😭
Instead of saying, “I did” or “took care” of something, let’s leave that at the door & spice it up a bit. ✨
You: -Performed -Handled -Completed -Managed -Accomplished -Processed -Administrated
Change it up! Just cause it’s your resume doesn’t mean it has to be bland.
If you need help updating your resume, click the link in my bio and book you a free consultation today.
You got this!
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Follow me on Tiktok for more great tips!