Be the next to follow.

Go for it, you will meet a team that will welcome you and walk you through its rules and regulations. They will give you the opportunity to share your skills and knowledge. They give you all the pd sessions that will make you competent on the job.

I had a wonderful experience working for the University of California. My dedication and hard work were appreciated and rewarded. i can't think of a single negative aspect of that institution.

I loved working at UT Cardiology, by far one of my most favorite places to work. I only left because I was starting nursing school. Make sure to always be on time and chart well. If you didn't chart it, it didn't happen. The providers here are amazing. At first it may seem overwhelming but once you get use to the flow of the office, it's home! I made many friends here that I still keep in contact with, ee became family! If you land a job here you're going to love it!

The residents had a lot of knowledge to share But I learned Recsept and kindness don't cost a thing

Enjoyed the job because I mt a lot of good people and enjoyed working with them

If you work in facilities which was a wonderful experience for me. Represent UWG in a professional manner. Respect all faculty,staff and most importantly students at all times. Be able to multitask job duties and events at all times. So many talented people are at UWG. Great place to work ❤️❤️❤️

Job security you know your hours and learn something new everyday. Awsome

Information Managers Inc is looking for:
Internship OJT for Programming, IT , Marketing, and Finance Students
Job Description: Candidate must possess at least High School Diploma in any field. No work experience required.
Responsibilities : To do internship as required by university.
Interested applicant can send resume to and please answer the following :
- How many hours are you required to render for your OJT? (e.g 200, 300 , 500, 600 hours etc.)
- When can you start your OJT?
- What is your skill? Please select one: (WEB development, Multimedia, Programming, PC troubleshooting, Accounting, Admin Task, Marketing, Writing
- What will be your work schedule? (e.g M-F, whole day; MWF, whole day, etc.)
- Do you have a laptop?
- What is your average grade? Are you a deans lister?
- what is your hobbies ?
- we do not provide any allowance for ojt, is this okay with you ?
- pls send your facebook profile.
- what does your parent does for a living ?
- can you report onsite for your ojt ?
Interested applicant can send resume to
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