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Christina Southern
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Actively looking for a full time position, but some freelance work would really be helpful at this time. #writing #writingjobs #socialmediaposts #logos #newsletter #handbags #digitaldisplayads #infographic

Scott Silvers
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

The one standing is you... What did you see?..

#Storyteller #Creative #Writing #Description

Scott Silvers
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I joined this group some time ago and saw there wasn't much action, so I stopped back tonight to find out what's going on. I see there hasn't been a post yet, so I thought, "Why not?"

I have been considering, maybe, just maybe, I will see what options are out there to possibly submit something I've written somewhere. If for no other reason except to get some constructive criticism about what I write.

I have been writing since I was nine and writing is something I do because I have to. It's the way I get things out of this vessel of constant thought.

So if anyone is still out there for this group, I'd love to hear from you and what you know about doing something more with what I write besides adding it to a hard drive no one will ever read. I really know nothing about it. I just know that writing has always been a part of me and I doubt it ever leaves me.

Thank you in advance #Writing #Creative #Storyteller #Income

Jessica Foisy
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I am looking to make a job transition; hopefully to get a start into CyberSecurity and Networking. I am going back to college full time, while teaching 2nd grade full time, & using my summer to do full time college, and look for another job. My problem: to complete my 2, two year degrees by next spring/possibly summer, I need to take one class in the fall '23 during the school workday (Tuesday's 8-12:15) and in the Spring semester '24 (Monday's 8-12:15). I really want to finish, but can't afford to just quit my job. I am disabled, walk with a rollator; so I get around pretty decently (certainly enough to take care of 2nd grade). I don't know where to begin?!? Teacher's have a lot of transferrable skills, and I've certainly taught long enough (since 2005). This last year, my husband had a brain tumor removed, leaving him deaf in his right ear, but he is back teaching his 6th graders since January. So, I can't just up and quit and take a low paying job. I just don't know what I can do, and I've been wanting out of the classroom. I love teaching, don't get me wrong! I get totally invested into my little's (my student's)! I had a 12th grade student recognize me at the Graduation of Distinction this year, as a teacher who changed/inspired their life. It was a huge honor that I am deeply touched by. Teaching is a noble profession, but one that takes all your time up. I have a 9 year old son who needs his parents to have some more time for him, instead of using all their waking hours working for the career. I don't mind putting in a hard day's work, or working a full work day. I do need some time for my own son. He's important too, but the teaching field doesn't leave us time, but perhaps during our vacations, here and there. I know you needed to understand that to understand my problem. So, I went back for a two year degree in Cyber Security and Networking (because I love it) because I need another field of study to move onto or into for my own child, who deserves my best too! How do I begin to look for a job, that will pay a decent wage, full time, and allow me to complete my degree? At best, all those plus get me into the world of Cyber Security and Networking? Any advise is greatly appreciated! I am hard working and no stranger to hard work. I just need an opportunity to get my foot in the door, but I don't know how. I tried asking people around me, including my college professor, but he doesn't know any as of yet, but when he does, he'll let me know. Thanks for letting me give you a big question!
Jessica #eagerToWork&GetMyDegree #IHaveAMastersDegreeAlreadyinEducation #Writing&LiteratureMajor #PreK-12 #Literacy Masters 2005-Present #interviewme #motivated #Iwant toPlease #IAmWorthIt; Go ahead and invest in me #Youwill like my work! Dedicated & Loyal & Hard working #type on average 50-60wpm comfortably (have done up to 83 wpm on a typing test just this past week; 3 errors; 99%) #jobsearch

J. C. Patindol
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Hello! I am new here and looking to explore what the community has. I'm interested in #workfromhome and #writing jobs. I can see from the Jobcase company description that this is targeted at U.S. workers. I'm wondering if #international non-U.S.-based workers can also be here, especially for remote work?

Lori Huffman
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I’m looking for remote writing, content development / marketing communications opportunities. Any suggestions or referrals? #marketing #communications #content #writing #workfromhome #jobsearch

1 Comment
Thomas Matthews
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Looking for a full time position in the creative industry in San Diego County #fulltime #creative #design #illustration #writing #creatice management #art director

Brooklyn Mattison
ContributorBullet point
over 6 months ago

WANNA GET HIRED? Here’s what you need;

Less IS more. 6 things you need FOR SURE on your resume and WHAT goes in each section.

1.) CONTACT and name. Yes. Contact. The employer needs to see where they can reach you to hire you!

2.) Your work experience. Well that’s pretty self explanatory.

3.) School experience! Add add add!

4.) Skills! What makes you YOU!

5.) Extracurricular activities or leadership roles. Employers love well rounded people!

6.) The extras! Volunteer work, etc.

You got this and if you don’t WE DO!

Book a free session today at btm-enterprises.com

Go get em🗣

#explore #explorepage#explorepage #explorer #resume #covid #resumetips #resumewriter #résumé #resumeservices #school #grad #linkedin #writing #smart #motivation #help #supportblackbusiness #resume #coverletter #coverlettertips #coverletterwriting

Follow me on Tiktok for more great tips 😊


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Michael Frash
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist
over 6 months ago

Author and writing coach Karena gives you the 7 steps needed to tell a complete story. I'm using this at bedtime for my 4-year old! #jobhack #writing
