Do you need free or reduced cost support services, but don't know whats around you?
Look no further than the Aunt Bertha search bar on findyourfuture.la/resources/support/ allows you to search one of the largest databases for free and reduced cost support services by your ZIP code. Get connected with a resource that helps you today.
Sign up for Find Your Future today, then visit our Support Resources tab!
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Heads up! We’re going to be at the Countywide Youth Resource Fair. The fair is on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 from 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM. Meet us at The California Endowment on 1000 Alameda Street! See you soon.
#employment #jobs #hiring #recruitment #jobsearch #job #work #career #nowhiring #education #careers #recruiting #jobhunt #business #youth #training #recruiter #jobseeker #employmentopportunities #future #resume #workshop #free #birthcertificate #socialsecurity #dental

Heads up! We’re going to be at the Countywide Youth Resource Fair. The fair is on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 from 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM. Meet us at The California Endowment on 1000 Alameda Street! See you soon.
#employment #jobs #hiring #recruitment #jobsearch #job #work #career #nowhiring #education #careers #recruiting #jobhunt #business #youth #training #recruiter #jobseeker #employmentopportunities #future #resume #workshop #free #birthcertificate #socialsecurity #dental

Hello! We’re Find Your Future, an online platform connecting LA youth ages 16-24 to job, education, & support resources. We’ll be posting events, spotlighting specific resources, & more! Join now at findyourfuture.la
#employment #jobs #hiring #recruitment #jobsearch #job #work #career #nowhiring #education #careers #recruiting #jobhunt #business #youth #training #recruiter #jobseeker #employmentopportunities #future #resume #workshop #free #birthcertificate #socialsecurity #dental

#opensource #free #lowcost #computer #hardware #software #inform #howto Empower yourself with knowledge on how you can access the latest in technology without going broke. Download my ebook, The Cash-Strapped Person’s Guide to Thriving in the Digital Age, from:

Are you headed to the Boston job fair on June 14th?
There will be onsite interviews, career coaching, free headshot photos, professional resume reviews, and FREE workshops to help you land a job!
From 10:00am - 11:00am Matching Interests and Skills to Potential Careers Resume Tune-Up Job Search and Social Media Tools
From 11:00am - 12:00pm Financial Literacy for Jobseekers (presented by Citizens Bank) Networking for Job Search Success The Interview: How to Get It, How to Nail It
Space is limited so be sure to – [reserve your spot now] (https://www.jobcase.com/ulem-boston-job-fair/portal)!
Find out all the job fair details and – [register here] (https://www.jobcase.com/ulem-boston-job-fair).
We hope to see you at the fair from 1-4pm on Thursday, June 14th!