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Find Your Future LA
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over 6 months ago

Find Your Future Original Content Series Post #3: How To Follow Up After An Interview

Our 3rd post in Find Your Future's original content series is here!

Following up with an employer after an interview is very important. Not only is it business etiquette, but it also shows that you continue to be interested in the position.

In this quick guide, we give you some do's and don'ts for writing thank you / follow up emails and notes. We also give you some tips on what to do if the employer said they would have a result by a certain date, but miss the date or forget to reach out to you.

The guide is here: https://bit.ly/2ZlQWsS

Follow us on Instagram using the link above, and follow our Twitter @FYF_LA

#interview #followup #follow #employment #jobs #hiring #recruitment #jobsearch #job #work #career #nowhiring #education #careers #recruiting #jobhunt #business #cv #youth #training #entrepreneur #findyourfuturela #fyfla #jobcase #resume #employmentopportunities #jobseeker

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Find Your Future LA
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Find Your Future Original Content Series Post #3: How To Follow Up After An Interview

Our 3rd post in Find Your Future's original content series is here!

Following up with an employer after an interview is very important. Not only is it business etiquette, but it also shows that you continue to be interested in the position.

In this quick guide, we give you some do's and don'ts for writing thank you / follow up emails and notes. We also give you some tips on what to do if the employer said they would have a result by a certain date, but miss the date or forget to reach out to you.

The guide is here: https://bit.ly/2ZlQWsS

Follow us on Instagram using the link above, and follow our Twitter @FYF_LA

#interview #followup #follow #employment #jobs #hiring #recruitment #jobsearch #job #work #career #nowhiring #education #careers #recruiting #jobhunt #business #cv #youth #training #entrepreneur #findyourfuturela #fyfla #jobcase #resume #employmentopportunities #jobseeker

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Find Your Future LA
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Need helpful tips on what to include in your resume? Want to know the best ways to sell yourself on paper? CareerOneStop is an amazing resource on findyourfuture.la that provides you with the resume building help you need.

This comprehensive resume guide has several detailed tutorials, and even has downloadable resume templates to help you get the professional jumpstart you need! Visit now on findyourfuture.la/resources/job/

#resume #jobsearch #cv #resumewriter #hiring #career #jobs #careeradvice #careercoach #recruitment #coverletter #job #interview #business #careertips #jobseekers #jobinterview #resumewriting #careers #resumeservices #resumedesign #resumetips #internship #interviewtips #work #jobhunt #employment

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Find Your Future LA
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Need helpful tips on what to include in your resume? Want to know the best ways to sell yourself on paper? CareerOneStop is an amazing resource on findyourfuture.la that provides you with the resume building help you need.

This comprehensive resume guide has several detailed tutorials, and even has downloadable resume templates to help you get the professional jumpstart you need! Visit now on findyourfuture.la/resources/job/

#resume #jobsearch #cv #resumewriter #hiring #career #jobs #careeradvice #careercoach #recruitment #coverletter #job #interview #business #careertips #jobseekers #jobinterview #resumewriting #careers #resumeservices #resumedesign #resumetips #internship #interviewtips #work #jobhunt #employment

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