I'm telling you the truth...(45 seconds)
Possibly, 101 people can mention 1,001 different things in 10,001 different ways. This can be described as...
Which is characterized by unnecessary and/or tiresome baskets of information spreaded across the landfield of your mind.
Do you want your interview(s) to yield to your appeal?
Learn the phenomenon power behind maximizing your handshakes. Then, the substance of your interview falls-in-place.
I Believe You Can...!
Freelance Writer: Edward Alexander
#faith #love #happiness #joy #power #peace #victory #determination #yesican #aboutmyjob #positivity #hopeful #peaceful #policy #attitude #workfromhome #employment #interview #advice #jobsearch #jobs #careers #stressful #application #motivation #discipline #love #attitude #change
I'm telling you the truth...
Someone once said... Don't allow Society, Notoriety, Economics, Robotics, Inflation, Taxation, Depression, Opression or any other form of global influence convince you that...you can't make it. Are you kiddy me?
That's Definitely Not True!
Regardless of your age, weight or height, tall, skinny, short or large and any other complexities in life.
You can make it, ONLY if you try!
*Follow-me, watch your life change.
I Believe You Can...!
#faith #love #happiness #joy #power #peace #victory #determination #yesican #aboutmyjob #positivity #hopeful #peaceful #policy #attitude #workfromhome #employment #interview #advice #jobsearch #jobs #careers #stressful #application #motivation #discipline #love #attitude #change #declared
Must Read Very Important!
Don't allow troublesome matters to overtake your mind. What you do for yourself makes the difference.
4 - Prime Time Principles:
- Your past wasn't meant to hurt you, it was sent to hoist you up higher for success.
- When you decide to tell your story, the world will get pay you big bucks for changing people's Iives.
- It's not over until the "facts begin to sing" so, sing your song loudly.
- Don't live so much from those past experiences. Start living life for your future expectations to come.
Paint your life anew now, so everything else can fall-in-place.
I Believe You Can...!
#faith #determination #peace #power #itspossible #highlyfavor #positivity #boldness! #blessed #candoattitude #change #wealth #health #prosperity #fitness #foods #mindset
🎆Your New Year Career Resolution🎆
The New Year is approaching quickly! 🔥2023🔥 I am beyond excited about the new year 😃 i have great expectations. I’m ready for a new beginning…..a clean slate☺️ Some say setting a Resolution is essentially setting goals to increase a person’s well-being forcing us to consider what we value most and they help to structure our time. Look 🕵️♀️ at your life regarding your career…. Are you happy where you are at in life, have you been going back and forth in your mind about whether you should indulge in a new career, do you think you should apply for the open role at your job for more money, are you thinking about becoming a entrepreneur?!!!!
I personally don’t have a career resolution… I’m living life, one day at a time. I will not overwhelm myself!
Please share where do you want to be in 2023, do you have a New Year Resolution?🥳 #Goalsetting #Newyear #Career #Change
Updated my state certificate to reflect my last name change. Certificate #3199 #MassageTherapist
Ok, here’s an oldie but a goodie in the motivation quote front. But it really Is true. Feeling bad cuz of your situation, procrastinating something you know you should do? Well, just take a stop today to remedy that! Maybe ask Boss for raise, start an online class to get ahead, build your network by reaching out to connect with someone, - heck even other areas, start working out, go for a mile run? Today can be the day.
One of the beautiful things about life is change. It’s never too late.
So - what can you start doing today that you’ve been putting off? What can you do today that can start building you up in ways you aspire? Let’s start! Good luck. Make this a GREAT Day!
(Me? Professionally: I am going to take steps to get what they call an executive coach so I can be better for my team. Personally: i am going to try to relearn playing piano. First lesson today.). You?
#whadayathink #inspiration #procrastination #change #aspirations
Today, choose to be someone who is part of the solution rather than someone who only complains. #change #fresh #perspective
Good advice
What do you think of the POTUS not disclosing the power of the COVID-19 #jobless #termination #change
Here’s what some interesting people think COVID will change, What do you think will change going forward? #coronavirus #change
First off...here's my op-ed and what I can say on the matter in short....The SARS CoV-1 aka CoronaVirus is destroyed by colloidal or nano-particle silver.. They've known this since 2003. Over 100 research reports confirm this. Now...This 'novel' strain...ie. nCov2 was brought about at a Level4 lab in Wuhan,China. The Chief virologist there...Dr Shi Z. Li, was contracted to research and collect the corona virus from the horseshoe bat and prepare it for the next phase, pending. A second payment of $3.7mil was reportedly initiated by the Institute of Allergies and infectious Diseases, via one, Dr Anthony Fauci, with the blessings of the NIH and likely the knowledge of the WHO.
The second phase of the research was to insure the corona virus samples were to be able to transfer to human beings and infect the human respiratory system, which was the stated goal, per reports. Dr Fauci was reportedly warned about the dangers involved, if this novel 'variant' of the corona virus were to escape the lab. As we all know, It did and here we are chasing our tails.
Dr Fauci in the months after and shortly after President Trump became President, warned in a public interview, that President Trump would have to deal with a Pandemic during his administration. I find this very interesting, to say the least. How would he have known, unless......?
This 'novel form' of the original Corona virus is likely destroyed by micro or nano-particle colloidal silver as well. This virus has roots and is found in felines, and other animals around the world. In fact, the Corona Virus is patented. Its patented in the UK.. just as Ebola is patented by the US. Reportedly, No one can work on these patented microbes, unless they deal with the patent holders first. They control all aspects and any further developments or work done with them, by third parties. As for this lab developed 'novel' form of the Corona virus and, will it change...? I suppose, It depends on which Experts you talk to. It may be around a while like the influenza bug or it could peter-out or it could become more potent IF, someone in a lab somewhere, starts playing with it again, creating a more powerful strain.
Right now, it can be controlled & Killed with a long known and powerful anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasite natural product...Colloidal Silver.
The powers that be cannot make any real money on a this natural mineral, and so, all the money bets are on a lab made vaccine, which will make the Drug companies BILLIONS and hopefully, they won't force it on us, as some suspect they will. There lies the real potential danger in my opinion. That's my unprofessional take on it and whatever source of this, may 'otherwise' be, I and millions of others remain very angry and suspicious of how this pandemic is being handled to date. The Medical Establishments handling of this, doesn't pass the smell test and certain MDs and researchers need to be investigated. Millions have lost their livelihoods, jobs and thousands of have lost their lives to this lab created bug and the Public wants answers and heads to roll, per my observations. Governors and their minions mistakes are only compounding the problems The public's fuse is getting very short, with their Rights Being Violated on a regular basis. Semper Paratus.
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