A little over a year ago I decided to have a career change. I decided to do an online course UX/UI design. When I started I had no idea what I was doing much less any computer skills. We were asked as students to pick a problem we wanted to solve. ANYTHING... My son was 14 and he has autism. The problem I wanted to solve was to help him be more independent. As of today, I am still working on this project and it is growing into a massive project. I created a working prototype and it has helped over 57 families that have helped me with research. Yet I sit here trying to get a job in the field and I feel like I am not being taken seriously in interviews or on my resume.
#autism #careerchange #education #autismawareness #interview #resume #jobsearch #advice #application

"I think the special needs community is way more productive than people think," said Gabe Venuto. "I don't think they should underestimate us."
Gabe, 24, of Wilmington Delaware was diagnosed with autism early in life. He was essentially non-verbal until the age of 6, at which point he still struggled academically and socially.
"I think companies out there should give every person an equal opportunity to show the world that we're very determined to get the job done," he said.
Gabe got a new lease on life when he was hired by The Precisionists, Inc., a company that provides I.T. and business services to partners.
"This company was founded with the intention of hiring over 10,000 people with developmental disabilities like autism, over the next five to 10 years, said Ernie Dianastasis, Founder and CEO. "We work very hard to understand where and what their strengths are and where they could thrive in a corporate work environment."
This has led to dozens of job opportunities at the Wilmington location alone. Each hired individual is placed in a role fit for their strengths. In order to reach their employment goals, the company is expanding its reach both nationwide and locally with partners like Independence Blue Cross, PECO, Vertex Inc., CAG Truck Capital, Drexel University, and more.
Learn more about how Precisionist is bridging the disability gap or check out their openings!
#Wilmington #Delaware #autism #awareness #Precisionists #tech #jobsearch

I have been looking for jobs since Sep 2019. I was terminated after people did not understand my issues at the time.
Feb 2020 I was finally diagnosed with autism amongst major other medical things.
Mar 2020 COVID-19 hits - everyone hates it - I know
July 2020 still looking for a job and have sent out e-resumes. I would not recommend using vocational rehab services during a pandemic - unless they are really active.
Also thinking of putting in a profile on fiverr.com and try my hand at home freelance work in genealogy & heraldry.
Anyone with tips on the online world? Thanks!

Library Assistant is just a broad form of different titles. Circulation Assistant, Circulation Supervisor, Interlibrary Loan, Borrowing Assistant, Research Assistant and others.

Still looking at job notices. Not many that I have received have found anything - except for the spam filter though.
My age, autism, being over 50 is a point of contention with many people. If you know accounting? Brush off those skills and keep them sharp - that's all I see anymore.
I am now working with an autism society - it is a slow process. A slow one due to Covid restrictions in place. Using online meeting software and it is a different world indeed.

Another update on my journey to wherever this is going.
In my search for jobs and with the vocational rehabilitation thing has been interesting. Due to the virus, every effort is being made to stay safe. Whew!
Oh and for some reason, I am getting notices for jobs that I am not trained to do. Like I have been an office worker - without bookkeeping or filing. On the other end of the spectrum - forklift operator or warehouse worker.
How comical is that? It is not easy to get a job right now when the only options available are things you are not trained to do. I spent nearly 34 years in academic libraries - forklifts were not in my area of expertise.
Stay safe everyone - we're in this together!
Colleen Method #termination #autism

I had my consultation with Vocational Rehabilitation and also found out that I am autistic as well. Was tested to see just to see. Oops. lol, I'm on the spectrum so to speak.
For anyone job seeking that is on the spectrum - keep things real, explore chances of employment. Then attempt these services. They have rules and policies that may or may not be useful to someone looking.
Also, double-check your disability options too. Why? it doesn't mean you'll take it. Just see if you are eligible for it especially if you have medical issues.
Hope this helps someone.

My question is - how would you describe the term Library Assistant when looking for a job - even outside the library world?
I'm asking because I am out of ideas on what to look for in a job with my skill sets in play. :) So I don't cookie cutter myself into one field alone.
I'll be working with a vocational rehabilitation job coach soon so just wanted some terms to share with them. (Hint for my friends with autism - they do work in many places in the country for free.) Many states have them under different names though.
Thanks in advance.
Colleen #termination #autism

Its frustrating when you are stuck in a area that does not have any jobs that fit your skills and talents, and employment background. . #Kitsap #KitsapCounty #employment #Work #Autism #actuallyautistic #asd #aspie

I wish I knew what it was like to make more then minimum wage. All I get is low wage work. People wonder why I hate having Autism. Why I loath all the debt I got into in college. It never ends. All jobs I apply for unless its a low wage job with no other applicants. I never get the position. It matters not what the job is. Or people want me to work for free.
#autism #autismawareness #aspie #actuallyautistic #employment #work #jobs #life #rant #minimumwage
Hi Colleen! I didn't find anything closely related to those terms so you may need to expand your search a bit into similar roles!