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Tricia Hendrix
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist
over 6 months ago

"I think the special needs community is way more productive than people think," said Gabe Venuto. "I don't think they should underestimate us."

Gabe, 24, of Wilmington Delaware was diagnosed with autism early in life. He was essentially non-verbal until the age of 6, at which point he still struggled academically and socially.

"I think companies out there should give every person an equal opportunity to show the world that we're very determined to get the job done," he said.

Gabe got a new lease on life when he was hired by The Precisionists, Inc., a company that provides I.T. and business services to partners.

"This company was founded with the intention of hiring over 10,000 people with developmental disabilities like autism, over the next five to 10 years, said Ernie Dianastasis, Founder and CEO. "We work very hard to understand where and what their strengths are and where they could thrive in a corporate work environment."

This has led to dozens of job opportunities at the Wilmington location alone. Each hired individual is placed in a role fit for their strengths. In order to reach their employment goals, the company is expanding its reach both nationwide and locally with partners like Independence Blue Cross, PECO, Vertex Inc., CAG Truck Capital, Drexel University, and more.

Learn more about how Precisionist is bridging the disability gap or check out their openings!

#Wilmington #Delaware #autism #awareness #Precisionists #tech #jobsearch
