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Mellisa Bennett
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Remember to always be positive because someone else has it worse than you do. I knew that I should always stay positive but July 9th 2022 my mom and son was in a really bad car accident because the other driver was texting, needless to say my mom was killed unfortunately and my 17 yr old has problems with his L3 and L4 and also has had 2 surgery on his left foot. He was doing NJROTC to be able to go serve our country but is no longer able to do the accident. I was living with my mom to help take care of her since she had a stoke 6 months before she was killed. Since I wasn't on her lease I had 3 days for me and my two boys to leave, I wasn't working then because I was taken care of my mom. So I lost my boy's and they had to go live in Lynchburg VA with their other grandparents and I became homeless for almost 7 months. So the day my mom was killed I didn't only loss her but my kids and a place to live. But I finally got a place on Dec 25th and now have my boy's back for now, as long as I can get a good paying job to support us but I have faith and know that one day everything will work out for the best. So remember that there is always someone who is going through a lot more than you could imagine. Stay positive and keep your head held up high no matter what life throws your way because one day it will get better for you and better than you could imagine. Also stay humble, kind, and show kindness to others and help others out to if possible because no one knows what they are going through but them and when you do good for others out of your heart it also helps you feel better about yourself. Stay humble, kind, positive, helpful, caring, loving, and understanding and that will help you to be positive in your own life and bring you peace. I hope everyone enjoyed my life story and I'm truly sorry for bothering you. I hope someone has read this and is starting to feel more positive. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. #motivation #thankfulness #awareness #positiveoutlooks #understanding motivation#helpingothets " onclick="event.stopPropagation();document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('onClickTagify', { detail: 'forgivens#new outlooks


' })); return false;">#forgivens#new outlooks


1 Comment
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

How do you fight against unhealthy thoughts?

Negative thinking can contribute to problems such as social anxiety, depression, stress, and low self-esteem. The key to changing your negative thoughts is to understand how you think now (and the problems that result), then use strategies to change these thoughts or make them have less of an effect.

"Our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are all linked, so our thoughts impact how we feel and act. So, although we all have unhelpful thoughts from time to time, it’s important to know what to do when they appear so we don’t let them change the course of our day.

Take a look at what Linda has to say to manage your negative thoughts. This is the year to focus on our Mental Health! #MentalHealth #Awareness #Selfaware #NegativetoPositive #Selfimprovement #Motivation


Tricia Hendrix
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist
over 6 months ago

"I think the special needs community is way more productive than people think," said Gabe Venuto. "I don't think they should underestimate us."

Gabe, 24, of Wilmington Delaware was diagnosed with autism early in life. He was essentially non-verbal until the age of 6, at which point he still struggled academically and socially.

"I think companies out there should give every person an equal opportunity to show the world that we're very determined to get the job done," he said.

Gabe got a new lease on life when he was hired by The Precisionists, Inc., a company that provides I.T. and business services to partners.

"This company was founded with the intention of hiring over 10,000 people with developmental disabilities like autism, over the next five to 10 years, said Ernie Dianastasis, Founder and CEO. "We work very hard to understand where and what their strengths are and where they could thrive in a corporate work environment."

This has led to dozens of job opportunities at the Wilmington location alone. Each hired individual is placed in a role fit for their strengths. In order to reach their employment goals, the company is expanding its reach both nationwide and locally with partners like Independence Blue Cross, PECO, Vertex Inc., CAG Truck Capital, Drexel University, and more.

Learn more about how Precisionist is bridging the disability gap or check out their openings!

#Wilmington #Delaware #autism #awareness #Precisionists #tech #jobsearch

Julie Jakubiec
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I don’t typically create posts that are personal to my own life but I really felt that this is relevant and relatable with what a lot of you are being faced with right now. I left college after a year because I decided that I didn’t “like” it and that if I was paying for it myself I should really love it, and I decided that I just wanted to work. I didn’t know what I wanted to do for work, but I thought it would be better than school. I can also remember the time, not so fondly, when I reached the point of desperation in needing work and was willing to do any and everything that was out there. One mistake I made during these early years was allowing myself to be influenced by what other people told me I would be good at instead of going after what I really wanted. So I started applying… to EVERYTHING. I didn’t stop to take the time to read the job descriptions, or the skill/experience requirements. I put my resume in for every job I came across that I thought “Sure, I could do that”. I literally applied for the same role on every open requisition that was available at each company or just applying to every role they had open. I kept telling the companies and myself that “I’ll do anything!”, I just wanted to work. What I didn’t realize is how that actually came across to potential employers, HR teams, recruiters, hiring managers, etc. It came across as a lack of focus and awareness of what I was actually qualified for and what I wanted to do both in the short and long term. During this time I didn’t even stop to think about how this could be perceived in a negative way. I thought that they would take my eagerness to work at the company as excitement, but I now know that I was wrong. As a result, I applied to a ton of jobs I wasn’t A. Qualified for or B. Interested in. And unfortunately, this landed me in a few positions that I very quickly knew were not the right fit and ended up back on the hunt for a job. I decided it was time to make a change, it was time to do some soul searching (very quick soul searching because I needed a job!) to figure out what the heck it was that I wanted to do, and whether or not I was being realistic in my expectations to be qualified for that job. It was really tough, and it probably took a little bit longer than I would have liked. But in the end it did lead me to a career that I love, and for me that was and still is worth it.

Ok, so I know you’re thinking “I don’t have time for that”. I get it, believe me I do. I just want to gently suggest that you take a few extra minutes to read through the job descriptions and be very honest with yourself on whether or not you possess all of the skills and requirements that they require before applying. Just think, those extra few minutes could potentially spare you having to restart a job search because you realize you don’t like the job you just started. And from an employer or recruiter standpoint, it’s a professional “turn-off” to see applicants apply for roles that they’re not qualified for, and in most cases it’s because they haven’t fully read through the description/requirements. This can also result in decreasing your opportunity to work at the company in the future or on a different team. You are going to have significantly better chances of having your application or resume standout for something you’ve had experience doing rather than something you think you could do. This can potentially lead to providing you with a better chance for making it to the interview stage, and possibly to being hired. I know this isn’t a “one size fits all” type of situation, but it’s a gentle suggestion for more scenarios of a different way to look at things. We tend to get frustrated when we receive rejections emails or nothing at all. But we need to ask ourselves “Am I really qualified for that job?” and being honest with ourselves about that instead of putting the blame on the company or their hiring team.

In a perfect world we would all the time we need to find a job we love and be able to pay our bills during that time. Unfortunately this isn’t typically the case and money is a struggle so we need to always be working. But be thoughtful, this is your livelihood that we’re talking about and is a big part of your and your family’s lives.

As always, best of luck in your searches and on your interviews. Keep pushing and you will find what it is that you’re looking for! #interview #qualifications #awareness #beinghonestwithyourself #jobsearch
