Be the next to follow.

I am a mom of 2 little boys. I reside in New Jersey. I have many years of case management experience with an AS degree in Human Service and currently a returning student majoring in Nursing. I am looking for a permanent remote full time job. I currently work as a contract Disaster Case Manager. Relying on a contract job is not for me. I have a family to feed, school to pay, and to top it off going through a separation. I am such an educated individual with a passion to grow in a company. If there is anyone out their willing to interview me I would greatly appreciate it. I am looking for $28+ per hr with room for growth.
#Student #Nursing #Jobs #RemoteWork #DataEntry #CaseManager #CaseWorker #SupportBroker #CustomerService #Jobs #JobHunting #Hiring #Hire #RemoteJobs #Work #WorkFromHome #Office #OfficeJob #Administration #Cases #Clients #Medical #Management #Disability #Interview

Saying something too personal about politics and upsetting the patient involved

My advice to people interested in working at #FordhamHospitalPartialHospitalizationProgram as a #CaseManager ...
It’s very painful but the agency only lasted three years due to the lack of funds provided by the State and had to be closed

Hello Ashley, My name is Margaree Daniel, I am 66 yr. old, I am an above the knee amputee. I worked with the State of GA until 12/31/2019 as a Medicaid case manager. I am good at customer service and communicating with people. I am look for a job. I am willing to work and enjoy getting to know people to share ideas and interest

I would tell anyone looking to work at WESTHELP that being a passionate and understanding worker to clients and very organized .