It would Be my first Job and I am looking for a friendly family place to work as a teenager , either fast food be clothing or maybe an animal shelter cause I do I want to to work with them in the future #foodservices #teenjobs #nowhiring #texas #advice #tips #noexperience #searching

Depending on where you live and that you are 18+ try Ceva logistics. I worked there 4yr loved the job but am moving to an area that doesn't have the company but they do hire with no previous experience

Does anyone have any work from home jobs? I also am a freelance writer and recently started ghostwriting. Need the money. #freelancing #searching #communications

Does anyone realize that the Job Search is broken on Jobcase? If you look for a specific industry, it returns things not related to what you searched for. Then the worst part, their "people" emails you with Jobs that do not fit your industry. Is Job case for real or just a bogus website that gleans job openings from other websites ? Anyone else notice this ?
I'm contemplating removing my account. I get enough spam daily and IMHO, Jobcase is nothing more than spam. #jobcase #jobsearch #workfromhome #hiringevents #jobcaseisspam #isjobcasespam #searching #interview #realpeople #realjobsearch

Looking for a part time job here in Rochester Ny Have a full time day job from 8:30am -5:00 pm just trying to make ends meet. #searching

I'm located in Bakersfield California (still in high school) and I'm experienced in babysitting but looking for a good paying job/ easy money, need help any suggestions? #easy #job #money #searching #summer

Does anyone have suggestions for a legit work from home opportunity that does not require money down to begin employment?

I'm wondering if anyone knows of any good places to work part time while in college, like places that isn't fast food? I worked at McDonald's for 11 months and didn't want to anymore because how stressful it was to me. Maybe something a bit more relaxed so I can be able to focus more on college for these last two classes. #jobhunting #jobs #collegestudent #parttime #unemployed #searching

I'm looking for a job, preferably not fast food as I don't do extremely well in fast paced environments. I've only had one job before and it was at Dairy Queen. I have experience in customer service and using a POS system and cash register. I'm almost finished with my GED and expect to be finished with it by the end of the quarter in June. I'm also planning on beginning Drivers Ed in the summer. I've been searching for a job since October and have had no luck since most places either want someone with experience or are just not interested in me in general. Any suggestions to places I could apply to or tips you have on making finding a job any easier would be greatly appreciated. #advice #help #job #Jobs #jobseeking #searching
Try nursing homes they can always use people in laundry housekeeping the kitchen even cna's some place train and are able to get you certified in facility