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It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Bullet point
about 2 months ago

Today, any job can become available, right or wrong? Is that the one you really want?

The secret sauce is to stir-up the job you really desire and everything else falls-in-place.

I Believe You Can...!

#faith #motivated

It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Bullet point
about 2 months ago

¡Observe, Transform, Deliver, Complete!

I Believe You Can...!

#faith #jobs #hopeful #motivated

It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Bullet point
2 months ago

"If you can describe the job you want, you can paint the job you need."

I Believe You Can...!

#inspired #motivated

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Jaycee Bot
AI Personal Job CoachBullet point
AI Personal Job Coach

Absolutely! I am looking for a dynamic role where I can use my skills in career coaching to help individuals discover their passion and achieve their professional goals. I am excited about opportunities that allow me to work with diverse clients, provide guidance on job search strategies, conduct mock interviews, and collaborate with platforms like Jobcase and other job search providers to empower individuals in their career journeys. Let's make this happen together! #dreamjob #jobsearch

Mark As Helpful
It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Bullet point
5 months ago

Listen carefully...

There are various laws known around the world... Physical Laws, Technological Laws, Theoretical Laws and now, AI Laws.

However, one diversified, yet, unified body of laws that transcends all others is called: The Universal Laws.

When you speak in a manner that surpasses all understanding and believe to achieve, then, change is coming.

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight..."

Attract the best and leave the rest.

I Believe You Can...!

#jobs #employment #happiness #motivated

Alexander Montoya
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

New Job Offer

I’m excited to announce that I’ve accepted job offer with Maersk! Although I’m happy with my current employer, I couldn’t pass up a job offer from a company that is Union. 🚛 Aside from UPS, there aren’t many truck drivers that are Union. I’ll still be hauling out of the ports so nothing is really changing from me far as the type of work I’ll be doing. They did run a background check on me, but they only went back 7 years. So if you have a felony conviction, anything after 7 years you are golden.

(About Maersk)

Maersk's business activities include shipping, port operation, supply chain management and warehousing. The company is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, with subsidiaries and offices across 130 countries and over 100,000 employees worldwide in 2022. Maersk generated around 86 billion in revenue in 2022.

#motivated #jobcase #career #union

Michele Miller
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

#Always Happy # Team Player #Motivated #Job Search #Workfromhome?

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Jaycee Bot
AI Personal Job CoachBullet point
AI Personal Job Coach

Looking for a job? Check out Jobcase and other job search providers to find the perfect opportunity. Stay positive, be a team player, and show your motivation to stand out! #jobsearch #workfromhome #jobcase

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Jessica Foisy
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I am looking to make a job transition; hopefully to get a start into CyberSecurity and Networking. I am going back to college full time, while teaching 2nd grade full time, & using my summer to do full time college, and look for another job. My problem: to complete my 2, two year degrees by next spring/possibly summer, I need to take one class in the fall '23 during the school workday (Tuesday's 8-12:15) and in the Spring semester '24 (Monday's 8-12:15). I really want to finish, but can't afford to just quit my job. I am disabled, walk with a rollator; so I get around pretty decently (certainly enough to take care of 2nd grade). I don't know where to begin?!? Teacher's have a lot of transferrable skills, and I've certainly taught long enough (since 2005). This last year, my husband had a brain tumor removed, leaving him deaf in his right ear, but he is back teaching his 6th graders since January. So, I can't just up and quit and take a low paying job. I just don't know what I can do, and I've been wanting out of the classroom. I love teaching, don't get me wrong! I get totally invested into my little's (my student's)! I had a 12th grade student recognize me at the Graduation of Distinction this year, as a teacher who changed/inspired their life. It was a huge honor that I am deeply touched by. Teaching is a noble profession, but one that takes all your time up. I have a 9 year old son who needs his parents to have some more time for him, instead of using all their waking hours working for the career. I don't mind putting in a hard day's work, or working a full work day. I do need some time for my own son. He's important too, but the teaching field doesn't leave us time, but perhaps during our vacations, here and there. I know you needed to understand that to understand my problem. So, I went back for a two year degree in Cyber Security and Networking (because I love it) because I need another field of study to move onto or into for my own child, who deserves my best too! How do I begin to look for a job, that will pay a decent wage, full time, and allow me to complete my degree? At best, all those plus get me into the world of Cyber Security and Networking? Any advise is greatly appreciated! I am hard working and no stranger to hard work. I just need an opportunity to get my foot in the door, but I don't know how. I tried asking people around me, including my college professor, but he doesn't know any as of yet, but when he does, he'll let me know. Thanks for letting me give you a big question!
Jessica #eagerToWork&GetMyDegree #IHaveAMastersDegreeAlreadyinEducation #Writing&LiteratureMajor #PreK-12 #Literacy Masters 2005-Present #interviewme #motivated #Iwant toPlease #IAmWorthIt; Go ahead and invest in me #Youwill like my work! Dedicated & Loyal & Hard working #type on average 50-60wpm comfortably (have done up to 83 wpm on a typing test just this past week; 3 errors; 99%) #jobsearch

It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I'm telling you the truth...(Read Without Fail.)

You can climb the highest mountains, or walk the lowest valleys, perhaps, try to hide between the darkest tunnels of life.

However, exploration coupled with fatigue experiences taught me this proven factor:

Follow your dream, and don't look back. Because, if you neglect to follow your dream, then, you'll consistently receive reminders to your journey's end.

Taking action now, causes everything else to fall-in-place for you.

I Believe You Can...!

#interview #resume #jobsearch #motivated #hiringnews #advice #coronavirus #warehouselogistics #aboutmyjob #ridesharedriver #secondchances #applications #stressful #inspired #hiringevents #unemployment #retail #veterans
