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Career path to become a Restaurant Manager
⭐️ Disciplined ⭐️ Prepare to work long hours ⭐️Good with people ⭐️ A quick thinker ⭐️ Organized ⭐️ An effective team leader ⭐️ Good with numbers ⭐️ Able to self-motivate ⭐️ Create a team atmosphere
Entry level: Some hotel managers begin in an entry level position and work their way up.
4 Types of Managers ~ General Manager ~ Restaurant Manager ~ Kitchen Manager ~ Bar Manager
Education📚 Although many restaurant managers are trained in the job and are promoted from another position, a post secondary degree or college coursework is becoming a preference among employers.
2-4 year degree in restaurant management/hospitality
Salary 💸
Restaurant Manager: $49k-$80K Based on state #Career #Restaurant #salary #Food #Management #Skills

They always made sure I got off when I needed to. And the managers typically tried to actually manage the store. If I got sick and couldn’t come in. They didn’t tell me I needed to get a replacement. The managers took control of the situation and managed it for me.

Comfortable and familiar environment, and the job was MUCH easier once I got the hang of it.

They didn't want to give me a flexible work schedule after I had my first daughter.

Helping people making better food choices. The customer response to quality and service.

Every day that you come in just know that you're helping a family somewhere that really need just knowing that energizer's coworker

I thought I would like it, but I couldn’t empty the cart’s without causing pain.