No one wants to be job searching during COVID-19 and the resulting recession, but that's where we're at.
In an effort to ensure that you have as many resources as possible for your job search, we’ve been hard at work organizing a special free event!
No Fear Job Search Webinar Series Landing the Job in Uncertain Times
15 expert career coaches share their unique expertise via 45-60 minute webinars on the following topics:
- What to Do if You Get Laid Off
- How to Create a Resume that Stands Out During a Recession
- How to Quickly Craft a Cover Letter that Makes a Difference
- How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile a Recruiter Magnet
- How to Nail a Virtual Job Interview
3 coaches will cover each topic, allowing you to mix and match to create a webinar schedule that works for you. Sign up for 1 webinar… or 5… or 15. Whatever makes sense for you and your job search.
We’ll also be offering 50 free resume scans and big discounts on Jobscan Premium to attendees.
#workfromhome #webdevelop #volunteer #research #officelife #motivation #callcenter #coronavirus #stressful #interview #hiringevents #healthcare #deliverydriver

#workfromhome #webdevelop #volunteer #research Does anyone here want free website for yourselves, friends, a group you volunteer for, etc.? I want add to my web development portfolio and volunteer, so doing both at once seems a good idea. I am not good at coming up with a topic, but I can build a website and do online research.

Volunteer Work over the internet. Somebody could start a list for resources for those who need things. Like basic necessities. Like food. Personal cleaning supplies. Maybe ask a local church, for extra gift cards. Or something else, there are other resources, like helping people on a chat line, for those who can't help themselves. There are so many of them.
#help others #reach out #volunteer #think of others #compassion #kindness #gentleness #helper

Every so often we can get stuck in a single way of thinking - like "I can only do (some job) because all I've ever done is (some job)". Or maybe you're looking for your first job?
The U.S. Department of Labor has a site that suggests careers to you, based on your interests. It's a quick 30 question quiz on how much you might like or dislike various tasks, and based on those results it can suggest certain jobs for you, and includes some details about pay for those jobs.
It's not a perfect site by any means, but it might inspire you to check out some different careers, and help you in your job search!
Take the quiz here: https://www.careeronestop.org/toolkit/careers/interest-assessment.aspx

I have worked and volunteered and started doing my own sales as a artist/ craft vendor but haven’t written a resume in at least 8 years.

I landed my first job by starting off as a volunteer! I went to a sailing camp for a number of years when I was younger and learned to sail. I eventually started volunteering at the camp and after a couple summers was hired as a paid sailing instructor. If there's a job or industry you're really passionate about, seeking out volunteer opportunities could be a great way to get your foot in the door!

I am a young Senior looking for work to occupy time. Have some skills but need to be updated to today's time. What should I do? Willing to either Volunteer or work 20 hrs a week.

I have volunteer experiences, for example in the library putting in order books and helping the customers. It is hard to find a job that I would love to do every single day.

I am currently serving as a mentor through the American Nurses Association mentorship program with 1200 other volunteer mentors across the United States. This has been a rewarding experience for me as well as my mentee. We are working on her professional and personal goals. What I love most about this experience is the opportunity to develop a meaningful relationship with a peer and potentially have a positive influence on her future as an advanced practice nurse. Another benefit includes networking opportunities with over 1000 nursing experts/mentors from across the U.S.

I always have liked helping others especially elderly, disabled and less fortunate. I remember when my grandmother started getting Meals on Wheels and how it really brighten her day and helped when she was on a set income.