Hi, my name is Kay. I am a game software app and website developer with 2 years of experience. I am proficient in a variety of programming languages, including Python, Java, C++, and JavaScript. I am also familiar with a variety of game engines, such as Unity and Unreal Engine. In my previous role as a game developer, I was responsible for developing and maintaining the game's code, as well as creating and implementing new features. I am also an experienced web developer and have built several websites from scratch. I am a creative and problem-solver who is always looking for new challenges. I am confident that I have the skills and experience to be a valuable asset to your team.
#giving #charity #donate #nonprofit #fundraising #volunteer #community #love #kindness #compassion #hope

I am unvaxxed, I also haven't taken any form of medicine in a little over 3yrs. I say this because so many past judgment and lack compassion or understanding for what one believes. In this world where we are so quick to divide and point fingers how will we ever progress as a people.
We need more understanding and compassion in this world and less judgment as none of us are perfect. Let he/she that is without sin, throw the first stone.
Seeking understanding through communication! Or remain slient!!!

Volunteer Work over the internet. Somebody could start a list for resources for those who need things. Like basic necessities. Like food. Personal cleaning supplies. Maybe ask a local church, for extra gift cards. Or something else, there are other resources, like helping people on a chat line, for those who can't help themselves. There are so many of them.
#help others #reach out #volunteer #think of others #compassion #kindness #gentleness #helper

Good Morning Community,
May your days be filled with happiness and joy during this holiday season. Thanksgiving is a time to give Thanks and Blessings to all the things we are grateful for. What are some of the things you are thankful for this Thanksgiving? Sometimes, holidays can be overwhelming to some of us and it is time to also share your time with a loved one. Let them know you are thinking about them. Whether it be a family or friend offering kinds of words of wisdom can always brighten their day. Take the time to be kind to a stranger by simple words of wisdom. Homelessness is a growing concern in our communities and this is just another way one can brighten a stranger's day. Let them know someone is kind enough to say a word of encouragement to them and they matter too. Many elderly, seniors and others will be spending this holiday alone. Some in a warm place others not so fortunate to have a warm place to stay? Please keep in mind the simple blessings you have and share it with others. May Your Thanksgiving be filled with many blessings and Happiness today and everyday forward.

Good Morning, Jobcase Community!
I know this is stating the obvious, but I have notice some disturbing trends in the conversation postings, especially on postings from people who are asking for advice or assistance (Spiritual, legal, and business) on various issues. There are a great deal of members who are very encouraging and understanding of other people's plights and ongoing battles. However, there are those who take the asinine, vicious methods of "providing advice".
To clarify what I mean by "asinine, vicious methods", I am speaking of Jobcase members who criticize and mock other members for not finding employment after an extended amount of time or assuming they are dumb, incompetent and uneducated because of a few misspelled words and grammar errors. There have even been some who have gone as far as to post messages stating that some members have trouble finding work or were fired because "they got what they deserved" or "God was punishing them for being lazy and 'gaming' the system".
Moreover, for those members (Not saying all of them behave/interact this way) who are better off and have great things going on in their lives (so it seems on the surface)- They tend to bring down those who are still struggling or have given up due to long-term unemployment, ongoing personal battles, or having a string of horrible luck. They have also belittle some members' issues to the point of making them feel insignificant and self-conscious. I do not understand why this is going on, but it gives me the impression that these types of members have no heart for those suffering from misfortune.... And it truly perturbs me.
Unfortunately, we are living in truly troublesome times. Jobcase is a venue for those who are seeking professional advice on acing interviews, having the best resume in the universe (Well, we can all dream. Right?), and networking with other professionals to see what other opportunities await in the horizon. Everyone has to deal with enough BS in life and there may be topics that prefer not to discuss with loved ones or there are possibilities that there are experts on this website that can give effective advice on matters. I am not saying that everyone must be nice to each other, give everyone a multi-colored sucker and do hop-scotches over the rainbow. Nor am I saying that everyone is an entitled, arrogant a__hole that should jump in a ditch and stay there. All of us should be made aware that just because there are those who are struggling does not mean it will never happen to you or me. One minute, everything's super. But, the next minute can be hell on earth just like that.
To get to the matter, we should be a tad more respectful of our peers and be mindful of what is/will be posted to a person's query. Most of all.... We should adopt a mindset of building up those who are torn down. Anyone of us can be someone's cornerstone to keep the foundation stable and secure. Most of all, as an online community, we should make it a point to give more praise and jubilation to all successes, regardless if they are small or big.
Enough of the long-winded podium talk from me. May 2019 be the year of new geneses for those wanting a fresh start and improving all avenues in life. Have a good evening.

Lol,we were all young and remember being 20 years old and working with old people.At the time all you know is your expierence,wait about 30 years and you will see things differently,I know,I was just like allot of you young adults .I knew everything,lol.There is always two sides to the story. Please stop yelling at people you have never met and try to learn something from these posts instead of attacking each other.We have enough cupcake and snowflakes in this country who didn't vote and are still crying about the election.Oh,no,here it comes,lol.

This is a forum for people to come to and express their frustrations with the work force and job market. What I found this morning is people being critical of a person who mis-spelled a few words but anyone following could definitely understand what was done by Marriott and how it made this person feel. Come on people, if you don't have anything positive to say just read the post.

I am guessing Jobcasers all are as sickened by the violence in Virginia this weekend as my family has been. My heart goes out to the victims, while my head is stuck pondering what more I might do to try and address the places where ignorance and hate still ferment & cause so much pain in our country. The mother of Heather Heyer (the caring young lady who was struck and killed while protesting against the white supremacists) amazingly seems to have it figured out already. She stated: "I want (Heather's) death to be a rallying cry for justice and equality and fairness and compassion."
So I will hope and trust that the officials in VA and DC prosecute offenders to the fullest extent of the law. And I will turn my attention to how I might be even more proactive in sewing seeds of hope, light and love to stomp out ignorance and hate.
In considering this, I do want to thank this Jobcase community. We who work on building Jobcase are so humbled and grateful that this community doesn't let color or age or religion or gender or orientation bias them when helping one another with advice, support, connections or leads. We are simply a community of people helping one another find success, meaning and happiness in our worklife; a community of people who know that though it is difficult to achieve in 2017 - its a lot easier with help from a big caring community. We don't see differences, we see similarities. I truly find it inspiring. Disagreements with respect. Help without bias. Inspiring.
Our workplaces, for most of us, are the most integrated places we spend our lives - in every dimension: race, religion, age, income, etc. So at the least, let's all try to be cognizant of being a bit kinder this week to all we meet. There is so much more light in the world than dark. While we all figure out how to address the ignorance that still remains in pockets of our culture, lets start by magnifying the compassion that can be all around us.
Last note - I am still figuring this out. I welcome positive constructive thoughts about how each individual one of us might make a positive difference this week. Whadayathink?