What is the definition, any more, of a "secretary",in this day and age of text- to -voice and A.I. or artificial intelligence? And..is there any difference between a " secretary" and an. " Administrative Assistant "? #unions #dictaphone, #shorthand, #transcriber #advice #robots #officelife #officewife #callcenter
You can take a computer class that has typing,plus you also learn other skills
Labors Union is Offering Apprenticeship Programs all over the United States! Changing your career starts with making the right choice for you. Here is some information on the Labor’s Union.
Making Change in your career starts with research so here is how you start. The Union Carpenter’s Locals are accepting applications for apprenticeships now. Are you ready for a career change? All you have to do is go to your local carpenter's union and apply today. They have all the information you need on the website for you to view. It will teach you all you need to know about learning a new trade and job placement!
Are you looking to change careers? If so I have the answer for you? The following Unions are all offering Apprenticeship Programs and You can start a journey to a higher paying Career Today, Why wait make the call and here's how! United Brotherhood of Carpenters are offering. Apprenticeship Programs, Union Electrical Workers are offering Apprenticeship Programs to name a few. Now I know you are asking how do I apply? Call or visit your local Union you are interested in joining Today for more information?
I just recently received my osha card and I would like to know how I can get into a union and start working.
That why working people need a union so you have job protection and medical sick leave paid time off
Good Morning Jobcase Community! Today I would like to ask a question, hopefully, you will be kind enough to answer? ***How Do You Start Your Day? *****
I would like to start a conversation with each of you to help me a project I am involved with in a class I am currently enrolled in. Physiology I, Understanding Differences will you help me by answering my question? Feel free to comment, like and share! Thank you in advance as I always know I can count on you! #advice, #JobcaseroftheDay, #thoughts, #jobsearch, #teenjobs, #volunteer, #Manufacturin, #training, #Construction, #WorkFromHome, #training, #TransitTravel, #Travel, #assessment, #Stocker, #unions, #coworkers
Thinking of all the hard workers in our community today. Hope you all are enjoying great down time w your loved ones. I am so appreciative of the awesome workers in this country (and special shout out to those building this platform too!). We are working hard at Jobcase to think how we can step up further in our advocacy for workers everywhere. Stay tuned! And until then, follow the link if you want to read more about this holiday. Cheers! https://www.dol.gov/general/laborday/history
This is silly. I am a MEMBER of SAG-AFTRA, the actors’ union, not an employee there. My employers are a variety of film and tv producers, depending on auditions and interviews.
After being fired a month ago with a crappy company god had blessed me with a union job !!!
To me administrative assistant is a professional word for Secretary