Was working for this company through a temp agency after 2 weeks of working for this company they wanted to hire me but first I had to have a interview so I clearly had to be a great worker people were there from other temps for 3 months and still didnt get a interview to be hired in now mind u my last company was union this company wasnt and that was fine i was aware so I went in to have my interview after my 8 hour 3rd shift so i clocked out walked down hallway I waited for 25 minutes before anyone acknowledged me then the lady I was suppose to have a interview with never turned up so I interviewed with the 2nd interviewer because its suppose to be a 2 part interview anyway she asked where I last worked I told her of course shes not feeling it and the whole interview was about my union job I was not once asked why I left was I laid off or was I fired nothing like that so of course I knew it was some bs in the game anyways I go home and get a text from the temp agency my assignment ended due to me not passing my interview lol what bs....Whatever...I've never heard no mess like that in my life ..why she didnt just leave me as a temp then what a bitch

I hear that your job stile and/or pay should increase at least every year to two ears, but I am currently working a job where the only time pay increases come is when the contract is renewed once every five years (The company I work for has a contract for services with another company for a particular location). But, in the private sector, job announcement never mention is it is forbidden to talk about salary in interviews. I feel it is a race to the bottom when it comes to salaries and benefits (especially health care). Everything is set up as a trap, especially since unions have been decimated.

Teamsters are voting 7_11 this week

unions protect employees.

When the Union came in. It was and still is a company Union.

What labor laws or possible labor or union type lawsDo I need to know in this state.

I was in a car accident and Palmetto Florida I had to transfer back to Lakeland Florida and they refuse to hire me in any store even after a hardship transfer they told me they were not hiring two days later I went down there and they had for orientation back to back what a bunch of jerks

Lost my job 3 months ago. Accused of failing to report an incident. Union keeps giving me the run around. Now my unemployment is being threatened. Next step is to contact an attorney.

There is a lot of talk regarding the increasing tech wave in Artificial Intelligence and automation and how it will impact the future of work. I have some strong views on the matter but wonder what you think? Here's an article to start the convo.... https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/american-workers-jobs-inequality-union-automation_us_5ae043f9e4b061c0bfa32e0c #FOW #futureofwork #robots #anxiety #unions

If AFSCME goes the way of the dodo, it's that dodo's own fault. I was an AFSCME employee for years at one of the Big 10 schools and the union was less than useless. Management had a great deal of out and out hostility to union employees, and a caste system governed university policy, with AFSCME workers at the very bottom of the bottom. AFSCME negotiators weren't even able to protect worker benefits that came at little or no cost to the university--including the Regents Scholarship (unlimited free classes for employees, of which I took advantage--now a mere memory). The University signals contempt for its clerical and administrative workers at every turn. It's not hyperbolic to say that those workers are treated like the scum of the earth. AFSCME never fought for employee dignity, promotion rights, regent scholarships, overtime pay, etcetera. etcetera. Therefore, the union should expect NO solidarity. It has historically been unable to adequately represent the school's clerical population.