Its frustrating when you are stuck in a area that does not have any jobs that fit your skills and talents, and employment background. . #Kitsap #KitsapCounty #employment #Work #Autism #actuallyautistic #asd #aspie

Never move to Kitsap County in Washington state. Its a economic dead end. No work other then low wage work. Its anti small business so starting a business in this place will send you to the poor house. Fighting the local regulators. Cost of living is to high so even if you get work. You are not getting very far head of the game. Then you could get trapped like myself and are unable to leave. Thanks to low wage work and no way to save up to move to a better job location.
#Kitsap #KitsapCounty #Washington #WashingtonState #PNW #trapped

My area is economically a low man on the totem pole. Meaning we have about 10 to 15 percent unemployment most of the time. Regardless if the economy is doing well or not. What that means for me is I can't get a decent job that would allow me to save up to move to a better work area. Where there are jobs. What jobs there are here where I live are mostly low wage retail work. So that leaves me trapped in a area I loath to death and have no way out. People in my area say I should like the low wage job I have. Basically discouraging the idea of better work, or I should like a job I am bored out of my mind with. So fed up with it all. . . . . . . #lowwage #minimumwage #KitsapCounty #KItsap #highunemployment #jobs #Fedup #tired #unemployment #Washington #WA #WashingtonState #PNW #fulltime #fulltimeemployment #wornout #lifesucks

Anyone here have any good recommendations on coding training in or around the Puget Sound area? Someone has offered to pay for my retraining and I want to take advantage of the opportunity.
#programming #coding #software #softwaredevelopment #kitsap #KitsapCounty #PugetSound #thepugetsound

The Kitsap county are has had a major drop off in jobs.... Little disconcerting. Maybe its a sign of more economic trouble in my area.
#Kitsap #KitsapCounty #Washington #WashingtonState #Jobs #unemployment

What do you do when the only jobs in your area are retail and they won't touch you with a 10 foot pole because you are not an extrovert? Its getting frustrating. Only jobs are the retail jobs and thats it. I don't have an option to move to a different area with other job options. They ether don't hire me because I don't fit their personality test or they look at my education level and say you are to educated or we view you as a threat to our jobs as managers just based on education. That includes the food service end of retail.
Who cares my degrees are worthless degrees, the bottom fell out on the animation world, unless you have major industry experience when you graduate college and no one has that. Employers see MBAs as wasted degree now. As it does not prove you know a thing in their eyes.
People tell me to start a business, but that is not an option. No money and even if I did. My counties business regulations make it extremely hard and expensive to start one. (They wonder why they have 10+ percent unemployment rate here)
I am at my wits end.
#employment #work #jobs #unemployment #life #retail #frustrated #depressed #despondent #Kitsap #KitsapCounty #Silverdale #Bremerton #Poulsbo #WashingtonState #Washington

I am stuck in my area because of family obligations. My area is all retail, I have given my all to try to get hired by one of them. No go. Over educated for my local job market. Don't fit the personality type they are looking for ether.
#despondent #KitsapCounty #Kitsap #depressed #unemployment #work