Most of us go to work everyday so that we can earn money to pay our bills and put food on the table. But, have you ever felt like you should be earning more than what you are?
If so, learn how to ask for a raise at work.
Have YOU ever asked for more money at work?

We have the inside scoop on some of the highest paying certificate jobs available now.
Take a look... and who knows, maybe you'll be on your way to making some big bucks! 💰

Interested in working a seasonal job this year? If so there are many companies hiring now for seasonal workers!
The first step to landing a new job is making sure your resume is spruced up and ready to go. Check out these expert tips on how to describe work experience on your resume so you can put your best foot forward when you apply for #seasonaljobs!

The Jobcase Community is a place where members can come together and support one another throughout all phases of their work life.... from the job search, to asking for a raise, and even how to professionally resign from a position.
If you've been wanting to do more in the community, but aren't quite sure how, take a look at this awesome video (featuring our very own @Lenin Pina!) to learn how YOU can become more active here on Jobcase. 👏

Do you feel you are getting paid your worth?
If not, maybe it's time to learn how to ask for a raise. In this article, we offer expert tips that will increase your chances of getting a raise!
Check it out!

Here's how! 🙌
Expand your current skill set and develop new skills.
Here are 3 ways to get started. What else would YOU add to the list?
Find a mentor that can offer advice and provide insight into different situations. They should also be able to give you constructive feedback and criticism to help you advance in your career!
Read books or blogs that are relevant to the skills you want to hone in on. Start with broad concepts related to. the skill and narrow it down as you go. If reading isn't your thing, try podcasts!
Join an online learning course that can help you cultivate your desired skills. There are even free courses available on a number of valuable topics.

We're hosting an exclusive webinar (🙌 free for Jobcase members🙌) in partnership with our friends at FlexJobs that will help you land a remote job FAST. You won't want to miss this. Register today!! The webinar will be held on August 24 from 2 - 3:30 PM EST.
We'll be covering topics such as
- How to improve your resume
- Tips to crafting a perfect cover letter
- Secrets to nailing a virtual interview
Don't miss this opportunity! There are only a few spots left, so act fast!!
#workfromhome #events #jobcasetips #flexjobs #hiringnow #remotework #landajobFAST #experttips #jobsearch

1️⃣Optimize and perfect your resume. 1️⃣
Your resume should be error free and nicely formatted. No spelling mistakes, no grammar mistakes, no funky hieroglyphic fonts or neon colors.
You should also make sure you are including relevant resume keywords to help you make it past the pesky ATS system.
Read more: 15 Top Resume Tips
2️⃣Get organized in your search. 2️⃣
Do what you need to do in order to stay organized. Use a spreadsheet, notebook, or other system to keep track of application dates and upcoming tasks/deadlines.
Having a solid, actionable plan is great way to set yourself up for successful job search!
Read more: Reasons Why Your Job Search Isn't Working
3️⃣Leverage your network. 3️⃣
Using relationships in an efficient manner can help boost your job search! Whenever possible, try to expand your connections and network.
You never know who you'll meet, and having a contact at a company (current or former employee) will help tremendously in getting your foot in the door!
Read more: How Connections Help Your Job Search
#jobsearch #watercooler #jobcasetips #gethired #expertadvice #landyourdreamjob

Have you realized that you may be a bit overqualified at your current job? Here are some tips to help you through.
Ask for more responsibilities
There's nothing worse than feeling bored at work. Ask your manager or supervisor for additional duties or responsibilities. You may be surprised with what you are offered to take on! This could help you add some excitement into your days AND give you some resume-boosting experience.Extend a helping hand to fellow coworkers
If you notice that a coworker is always frazzled and overwhelmed with too many tasks, see if you can help out. You may be able to work on new projects and even learn a new skill or two.Network, network, network
Never underestimate the power of making connections. Networking with others - those inside your company, clients, friends of friends, etc. - can help you gain insights into other industries and positions that could help you down the line! You never know who you may meet, you could unwittingly make a career-changing connection!
#jobcasetips #overqualified #watercooler #jobsearch #careeradvice #careerdevelopment

When successfully searching for a job, there's a list of "do's" and "don'ts". Here are the top 3 things you should NEVER do when searching for a job.
Never use a 'one size fits all' resume
Don't use the same resume for every job you are applying for. Instead, customize it for each position by including relevant keywords from the job posting throughout. Customizing your resume will increase your chances of a phone call or an interview!Never submit a resume/cover letter without proofreading
Always spellcheck! There's no better way to get overlooked by a hiring manager than to send in a resume or cover letter loaded with typos and grammatical errors.
Ask a friend or family member to read your resume — it’s easier for someone else to find errors since they haven’t been staring at the same document for days.Never forget to follow up
After your interview, always follow up! Set aside a few minutes after your conversation to send a quick thank you email.
Sending a note thanking the interviewer for their time will show that you’re genuinely interested in the position and that you’re a true professional.
What would YOU add to this list?
#workfromhome #jobsearch #interview #jobsearchtips #gethired #jobcasetips