How to ask for more money!

Last updated: February 7, 2025
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Ashley Wilson
Bullet point
Content Manager at Jobcase
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How to ask for more money!
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As the saying goes, money doesn't grow on trees! But what happens when you are about to accept a job and the salary is not what you were hoping for?

**Myth: **The employer will probably pay me more than I am hoping for...eventually.

Fact: If you don't ask, then you can't get the salary you deserve right away!

Dealing with a salary negotiation can be uncomfortable and many people end up accepting the first salary without discussing it further. This can be a huge mistake that you may end up regretting later on.

So how do you go about negotiating a salary that reflects what you're worth? Let's take a look at the best ways to help you earn what you deserve and checkout some great advice from the Jobcase community!

Why ask for more money

The main reason employees aren't paid what they're worth isn't because they don't deserve it. It's because they don't ask!

Once you have landed a job, you will either know what the position pays OR the company will offer that information once it's official. Once you look it over you may be thinking to yourself, "I wish this paid more," but don't worry!

"If they need a person bad enough at a time like this, then they'll pull up their big boy pants and pay you what you're worth."
-Jobcase member Taylor Walton

If you feel nervous or apprehensive to ask for more because you haven't started working at the company yet, don't let that stand in your way.

Keep in mind that the employer has already tipped the odds in your favor by letting you know they want to hire you. Their team has invested time and resources into the hiring process, and they are ready to move forward with you. This is the perfect time to talk about salary and in fact, most employers will expect you to do so.

"That's when you have to put your negotiating hat on. If they want good workers pay us our fair share."
-Jobcase member Ford Simpson

Prepare your information

The first step is to take some time and do your research. What do other jobs like yours pay in the area in which you live? Next, factor in your own level of experience and unique attributes that you bring to the table. It's possible that as a highly valued candidate, you can earn even more than the market average.

"You don’t settle. Your self-worth is worth more."
-Jobcase member Robert Berkeley

Now let's look at what this type of negotiation might look like in terms of your actual conversation with the hiring manager.

Time to negotiate

As part of your informal verbal job offer, the employer has likely shared a suggested starting salary with you or you saw it in the job listing. Let's say the number on the table is $45,000 (or $22/hr), which you happen to know is a little low for the industry, based on your research.

Don't panic and don't think of this as the final word on what you'll make, but as an opener to begin negotiating.

"You should always negotiate the compensation before an offer is extended. Keep in mind, their first number is never their best and final, so embrace your capacity to thrive and bring value to the role and the company. At the end of the day, don’t ever let desperation define your value!"
-Jobcase member Dean Tracy

Keeping in mind that the employer has likely suggested a deliberate low figure anticipating negotiation, you might say something like:

"I'm very excited about the position and know that I'd be the right fit for the team. I'm also excited about your offer and I know that I will bring a lot of value to the table based on my experience that we discussed during my interview. I'm wondering if we can explore a slightly higher starting salary of $50,000. My research showed that as the industry average for this area, and I'm confident that you'll be very happy with how much I can contribute to the team and department."

Make sure before you ask that you have a set number in your head and be prepared to deliver it to them!

"You sell yourself and your value, explain what you bring to the table." -Jobcase member Rhina Terazon

You will likely feel nervous in delivering this message, but keep yourself together and stay positive! Don't worry that the offer will be rescinded simply because you're negotiating; the worst that can happen, if you do it fairly, is that the employer will say no. The best? They say yes!

As my dad always says, it never hurts to ask so don't be afraid to go out and get it!

Would YOU ask an employer for more money?

1 Comment


Mariafe Pagne
Bullet point

The more long years of experiences you have the better job performance as well.
