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#Teamgoodyear #Goodyear #apply #autotech #technician #automotive #retail #serviceadvisor #customerservice #bekind
I felt proud when this lady came through my line and was buying all her groceries and also wanted our four for $10 promotion. She said she would come back for the waters. An hour passed and she still hadnt come and i saved her receipt. I walk to the bathroom where a coworker is talking to her and surprised like me because she didnt come back for her water. She says her ride didnt come and she cant walk because she had problems with her back and feet. She says she was trying to eat the food she bought at our cocina before it got cold but she didnt know what to do, she didnt have anywhere to take her groceries or water. We asked her where she lived and sure enough it was close. My coworker and i offered to get her an uber and helped her with all her stuff since she couldnt even walk let alone lift.i knew i walked in to the right place at the right time. We have a customer for life. She comes for all her shopping needs. And thats when i was proud to work for cardenas. #humanitarian #passiton #bekind #OneLove #BeGenerous #groceryStore # #coworkers #customerservice #motivation #spreadLove
My grandmother is 79 and still drives, runs her errands and all that. I told her she canNOT be out anymore with the Coronavirus. She won't let me help, but at least I saw this on FB today that a lot of stores are opening up early for the elderly and having special hours. I told her if she is going out to at least shop at one of those stores. Hope this helps someone.
Monday, a friend of mine told me that he was laid off from a major financial company because the company decided to outsource the jobs to India. I told him about jobcase and I sent him a few joblinks.
Yesterday, I reached out to a former client who works for a financial company and she told me to email her his resume , which happened in the next 10 minutes. As I am searching jobs for myself, I am also helping my friend with his job search. I am a firm believer when we help people (even we go through tough times) more doors and opportunities will open to us. #jobsearch #helpafriend #help #outsourcing #unemployment #wordofadvice #behelpful #bekind #beresourceful #keepbelieving #Godwillopendoors #JobcaseroftheDay
When I worked at Target I had this sweet older couple come through my line. They went to pay for a few groceries, but they were short $12. He began to count change on the belt and the wife debated what to put back. I was about to help them myself, when the guy behind them says don't work guys it's on me. He paid for their groceries. The older woman hugged him and asked for his address to repay him, but he said it wasn't a big deal. It sure was to them, and to me.
Sonething I learned? Learning the difference between right and wrong. Lesrnong what is the kind thing to do. The caring thing to do. The proper thing to do. The right thing to do. People need help, they will always need help, but there wont always be someone there to help them so do what you can. Live a rewarding life by giving to others.
A family of five came in husband wife and three children. They made their order and when it was time to pay the gentleman card declined due to an error. He didn't have any other form of payment and his wife was a diabetic and so was the youngest child which was 4 years old, and I took the liberty to pay for their whole meal without expecting anything in return. Later on that night before we closed the gentleman came and repaid me with interest and told me thank you and that is when I found out that his wife and youngest child were diabetics.
Hello everyone! I was working the other day and I had a huge smile on my face because I’m the first face people see as they enter the door. I look into people’s eyes when I say hello to them and ask them how there day is going. While for some people this is time consuming especially when we’re busy. I work in a very busy pet hospital. This woman was quiet and I could tell she was kind of down. I knew nothing was wrong with her dog, so I made small talk with her and offered to place her in a room before her actual appointment time. I then asked if I could bring her some coffee. She politely accepted. I returned to the room with her coffee, and she burst out into tears, and told me that she was so sad and in such a bad mood when she arrived, however because I made her feel at home, that day boosted her spirits with just my smile and her attitude completely changed. You never know what people are going through, but that made my day. Smile and observe people.
It's a great place to be but it can be really stressful when some of the people who come in can be very disrespectful and rude to the staff. The best way to deal with it is to smile at them anyway and try to keep the people around them in a good mood.