I'm looking for a job from home that will pay me 10 dollars an hour I would be here

Working a stress free environment and being able to work own hours

Doing work from home make it’s easier to manage and be able to work remotely on your own schedule

Values? Align? You pay me enough we will see how many of my values line up with the company. Crazy

I can work with anyone as a team and also I can work by myself. I usually communicate with mutual respect, purpose and clarity for a good business level

Muy bien

Muy 👍

Family members remembering that you aren't available certain hours of the day.

I would like to work from home

Dont go into interview so nervous. pretend your going in to see and have conversations with friends.

"The Worst Thing That Could Happen Is They Say No!" On the other hand, They could say yes!""""

The only time I left a job was to take care of mom and dad in Las Vegas. Moved from Colorado 7 years ago.

When you feel in your heart that it's to easy and u fill like your not learning any more

I asked the interviewer what they enjoyed most about working at the place of employment and to also tell me what one thing they would choose to change if they could.

I once went above and beyond on an application assessment that was key to landing me the job. It was a research task, and I developed a very concise and clear process document to submit.

Review company

In my experience anytime they want you to attend a Zoom or group Video Conference, anytime they are hiding the name of the employer, its a scam or ploy to get you to start your own business that feeds their business and you end up wasting a bunch of time and get paid zero.

Attitude and knowledge

To get skills in the computer, and smart phone technology
I need an international position to be able to work abroad.