Hello all,
I'm Jay Evans from Charlotte and I'm a US citizen.
I recently retired from my last company and am actively looking for a new opportunity. My IT experience totals about 8 years and I'm good at web full stack, mobile (Android/iOS), web3 and blockchain development.
I prefer to work as a front-end developer.
I can provide the following services:
Front-end and back-end development: 2D and 3D websites as well as Android/iOS apps, desktop apps and Chrome extensions Game development: 2D games with Phaser.js, Unity 3D game with WebGL, Three.js, Unity 3D Play to Earn game based on blockchains and NFT Blockchain development: CEX, DEX, DAO, Smart Contract, Web3 integration
Web hosting, cloud computing: GoDaddy, Heroku, AWS, GCP, etc
#javascript #frontend #backend #webdeveloper #webdevelopment #opentowork #buildwebsite #html #css #react #vue #jobapplication #usjob #usajob #jobhunter #jobseeker #frontenddeveloper #backenddeveloper #softwareengineer #softwaredevelopment #softwaredeveloper #python #django #aws #ai #northcarolina #remotework #remote #remotejob #fullyremote #lookingforajob #job #webjob #websitedevelopment #mobileapp #mobile #reactnative #mobileresponsive #responsivedesign #webdesign #uxui #ui #ux #fullstack #OpenForBusiness
#UX #UI Help! I am looking for work as a product designer but I am not having any success. I am studying, designing, applying and networking every single day trying to get better and land a job. I need advice on what I am doing wrong and How do I get real experience for my portfolio? #jobsearch #advice
Hi, my first time in here. I am a graduating MS majored in Human Computer Interaction program. I am looking for a full-time position of UX relevant job. I have an intense passion in UX and I am loaded with skills. I am highly motivated and easy to work with. Hope someone who needs people will contact with me. Thanks.
If you have a resume, tailor it to the employer you will send it to. If you have examples of your work, add that to your resume file, too. Remember you are selling a package to an employer - you.