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Jay Evans
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Hello all,

I'm Jay Evans from Charlotte and I'm a US citizen.

I recently retired from my last company and am actively looking for a new opportunity. My IT experience totals about 8 years and I'm good at web full stack, mobile (Android/iOS), web3 and blockchain development.

I prefer to work as a front-end developer.

I can provide the following services:

Front-end and back-end development: 2D and 3D websites as well as Android/iOS apps, desktop apps and Chrome extensions Game development: 2D games with Phaser.js, Unity 3D game with WebGL, Three.js, Unity 3D Play to Earn game based on blockchains and NFT Blockchain development: CEX, DEX, DAO, Smart Contract, Web3 integration

Web hosting, cloud computing: GoDaddy, Heroku, AWS, GCP, etc


#javascript #frontend #backend #webdeveloper #webdevelopment #opentowork #buildwebsite #html #css #react #vue #jobapplication #usjob #usajob #jobhunter #jobseeker #frontenddeveloper #backenddeveloper #softwareengineer #softwaredevelopment #softwaredeveloper #python #django #aws #ai #northcarolina #remotework #remote #remotejob #fullyremote #lookingforajob #job #webjob #websitedevelopment #mobileapp #mobile #reactnative #mobileresponsive #responsivedesign #webdesign #uxui #ui #ux #fullstack #OpenForBusiness

Ming-ren Wu
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I’m one of those most vulnerable to COVID-19. I have end-stage renal failure and am dialyzing three days a week, have frequent clinic visits, an autoimmune disease, diabetes, congestive heart failure, a mechanical heart valve, and am recovering from a bacterial infection of my spinal cord.

My vulnerability notwithstanding, I want America to open its economy back up again. I can protect myself from contracting COVID-19 by staying home and wearing gloves and a face mask when going out for medical care. I wash my hands frequently and observe the six-foot social distancing protocol routinely.

I can protect myself, but I can’t survive if the country slips into a Great Depression! Please, let our people go back to work, back to shopping, back to socializing, back to school, back to traveling, back to living. We must recover and not remain victims of COVID-19.

Those who hate President Trump so much that their teeth hurt want the economy to crash, so they can put a Democrat in charge of the country. But know that Democrats will not work toward recovery. They will work toward “fundamental transformation.” They will leave us stuck with COVID-19 fear as the new normal. I don’t want any government money (which can only be printed without the basis of production and will become useless, like so many bank notes that have become worthless, sending inflation into the tens of thousands of percentage points). I want a real job, a real paycheck, a real income.

I trust that President Trump will rebuild our economy, and I trust that Democrats will only take advantage of a crisis that they will nurture and preserve, until America is no more. #coronavirus #openforbusiness
