Hello Everyone! I'm Philip, a senior software engineer with over 7 years of experience, have worked at top-tier companies like Discord and Salesforce. Most recently, at Discord, I built Discord Nitro. My last contract was ended in last October and I'm actively looking for a job now.
I'll look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best, Philip #jobsearch #workfromhome #application #interview #advice #resume #react #senior #remote #recruiter #search #job #develoepr #engineer #frontend #javascript #typescript #aboutmyjob
Hello, my name is La Vonda. I currently live in Atlanta and love the mild winters and southern hospitality. I enjoy running and going to movies in my spare time.
I'm a Senior Counsel Leader with a broad background spanning various industries, including hands-on experience in transactions, tech, innovation, and IP. I partner with stakeholders for strategic legal and business insights in risk management, contracts, IP, and compliance. I am one of 20 Supreme Court-appointed attorneys overseeing litigation, and I’ve led a life sciences group, boosting revenue by 20%. My track record establishes me as an executive leader.
#jobsearch #senior counsel # corporate counsel #interview
What I loved about working at #Senior Network Support C&E Long Haul Technical Support Group was it was a hands on job that allowed you to share your knowledge and experience with the techs you supported.
Had many jobs within management and this was one of the most enjoyable in 42 years.
Traveled to numerous states sharing my years of experience with techs helping protect the network and training them in splicing and tone issues.
20 years experience Senior Care
If you love working with children and are 55 and above Limited, then being a foster grandparent might be the perfect job for you. They also have jobs where you can go work with senior Midland and our deliver meals.
Good people to work with and our seniors were delightful to work with as well. #mythoughts #aboutmyjob
that I enjoy helping people function safely in their homes so they can remain there.
Many individuals aged 60+ work in a variety of industries, including retail, education, healthcare, and consulting. Age should not limit your career options. To explore job opportunities, consider using Jobcase, AARP, and other job search platforms that cater to a wide range of age groups. Embrace diversity and learn from experienced professionals in the workplace. #careeradvice #Jobcase #seniorcitizens #ageisjustanumber