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lorraine perrino
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Great benefits. Employes are well compensated.

lorraine perrino
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Accidently disposed of a document that was needed. I was able to fish it out of the locked recycling bin however.

Kate Smith
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I did refer a couple of people and they miss working there too. They made your job seem more like a hobby than work. Anybody who enjoyed working with people, were into real estate or insurance and were computer literate, I'm sure would have loved as I did. Since they retired, others I don't know have taken over the offices and I myself relocated.

Patty Hartman
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I may not have a college degree.but I learned on the job and built my knowledge.it does not help my references are deceased. And I walk with a cane foe a office job. I got the clothes Professional equitte. But phone not ringing.i apply for jobs I know I can do.

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Bullet point
over 6 months ago

my life is great butt you are.

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Penni Rhinehart
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I am looking for a part-time job preferably 8-12 or 8-1. It could me a girl friday in an office. I really do not wamt sales.

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Aaliyah Ballard
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Looking for a desk or office job .... 3 years of clerical in office and on the floor... 2 years of data entry .....

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McKenna Everett
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Hello everyone! I am currently searching for an immediate clerical opening in the Phoenix area. My previous position was full time at $19/hr. I am searching for something comparable to that in preferably Mesa, Gilbert, Tempe, Chandler or Scottsdale. Please help a girl out if you know of anything! God Bless. #help #phoenix #arizona #tempe #OfficeAssistant #AdministrativeAssistant #fulltime #permanent #mesa #scottsdale #chandler #jobsearch #sos #newfriends #gilbert #eastvalley #hopeful #clerical #contact

Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I've applied for hundreds of positions, from office administration to retail. Most of my applications were rejected, ignored, or claimed to be "already filled" or "canceled".

I know there are others who go years without finding work and it's only been nine months since I started job hunting, but I cannot take this anymore. I cannot take these recruiters ignoring me, calling me and claiming they can offer me a job only to never call me again. I cannot take working with recruiting/staffing companies. I cannot take these online applications. I cannot take the only interviews I get are from sketchy sales companies, recruiting/staffing companies, or legitimate companies but they cancel my interview because the position has been supposedly filled. I cannot take these companies who wait 3-6 months to even respond to my application. I cannot take constantly updating my LinkedIn, resume and cover letter just to please these recruiters and hiring managers and have them finally see value in me as an employee. I cannot take sending hundreds of invites to recruiters, hiring managers, and even CEOs on LinkedIn only for them to accept my invitation but not respond to me, claiming they do not have jobs available for me that are a "perfect fit for my background", or they just reject my invites outright. I cannot take any more months without a job while my life is passing me by. I cannot take barely eating and sleeping because of the constant stress that I'm 22 and without a job. I cannot take the fact that I am still living at home. Actually, I don't even have my home anymore. I live in a 2 bedroom apartment with my mother because of the domino effect of unfortunate financial and family-related situations. I cannot take only getting advice and words of encouragement from others who actually have jobs. I cannot take employers who think I need to finish college. Maybe it's a generational thing, but college is not a "one size fits all" thing. I think it's rare nowadays for anyone to get a job with decent pay all just because they graduated from college.

I, personally, DO NOT need college: I need a job so I can support myself and not mooch off of others. However, it's not like I do not value education or knowledge. I am learning how to code from more cost-effective resources (Youtube, Free Code Camp, Sololearn, Codeacademy). I know HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, C#, C++, SQL, jQuery, and Bootstrap. I am currently learning React and working on projects to put in my portfolio. Not only that, but I have read plenty of books/audiobooks. Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Richest Man in Babylon, Outliers, 12 Rules For Life, etc.

My point about college aside, I cannot take this anymore and I am simply asking for help. Feedback on my LinkedIn account, more connections for LinkedIn, more endorsements on my skills, people I can reach out to for jobs, etc. something. I have already tried online applications, especially for Jobcase, but no luck. I have already tried my family members but they have refused to help me with this. I have to get a job "on my own". That doesn't make any sense Most people do not get jobs on their own unless they build their own business, but they at least have money to do it. I don't.

There is always someone at a company, recruiter, hiring manager or otherwise, who decides to take a chance on a job candidate and give them that opportunity. That is what I am asking for.

I am seeking immediate employment for office administration, customer service, IT, etc. in Chicago. I do not have a car or a license, so I cannot work in the suburbs, but I can work in the loop and the surrounding neighborhoods. I had a Data Entry Specialist position in college, so I have experience working in an office setting. Additionally, I have a job as an online Transcriber. The issue is that the work available is very limited and I am paid next to nothing. It's more than nothing, but I simply need an offline position with a steady income, at least $12+ per hour.

I am doing my very best to improve myself each and every day and simply ask for the opportunity to work. I am not solely asking for money but the chance to offer my skills and abilities to benefit others in exchange for compensation.

#Unemployment #jobsearch #parttime #fulltime #Administrative #CustomerService #Retail #OfficeAssistant #AdministrativeAssistant #OfficeAssistant

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Diane Hayes
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Make you apply for a job you enjoy your days will be much more rewarding

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