@Nanette Connie For an envelope stuffing position, you might want to check the Craigslist general labor section. You can also try searching the job board for potential employment opportunities. Click on the tab that says jobs and you’ll be able to explore positions and submit applications there. Be sure to filter out your job search by using your desired job title as a keyword. Good luck! 🍀
#In my opinion, a project manager must have solid knowledge in relation to PMBOk, that is, manage the scope of the project, its WBS, know about the allocation of resources, in addition to being a good communicator and of course interpret the CPM appropriately and with judgment. and other parts of the Gantt chart
Lisa fuller&keithtron
@Jatavious Fuller Hello Jatavious, this is a good question, I would refer to what the Dot A.I. model left and utilize that advice.
Personally, I’m not a fan of these and even had some well qualified friends lose out on some positions because of these tests. I think the best way to get to know someone is talking to them, a test can’t tell you all the nuances, but that’s just my opinion.
Chemical Engineer student with 2+ years of experience in Process and Manufacturing Engineering in the polymers and Plastic Industry. Seeking internship opportunities in manufacturing, process engineering, oil and gas, and other chemical sectors for the summer of 2023. #jobsearch #hiring #in #hiringnews #nationwideusa
I been working at Restaurants Jobs for some time doing #in-service food #foodservices since I moved down to the NC Winston Salem
I worked for 20 years as teacher and administrative staff in an university in Ecuador.
I started the Charity Facility because I was tired of the way the Poor and people that suffered hardship's such as fire's etc. was treated. The Charity Facility is State and Federal Charity.There is Prayer Service and anyone need ing to resolve anxiety are welcome and helped.
If it was your first interview they will call promptly to schedule your second interview if you are selected to move forward. I left INO last year, the interview process MAY have changed within this last year due to covid.
Experienced machine operator looking for work in IN