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Sabrina Hunt
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

#In need if work

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Tina Collins
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

My advice to people interested in working at #Fed-ExGround as a #In-BoundScannerAMSort/LoaderPMSort ...

Working at FedEx Ground was one of the most enlightening work experiences I could have asked for. I had 3 life changing personal events within about 15 months and the company CARES about employees and their families. They tried very much to do anything to get me through those challanges. My 3.10 years with the company, the only requirement was to do my job. I gave 110% every sort. If managers knew you were truly doing your best, they tried to help the employee build from there. Jobs are not easy, they are very labor intensive, employees must work as a team whenever necessary, it is not a position for childish ways. Do your job, always be polite to all your coworkers. Follow directions from your manager, be honest...If an applicant gives it their all, follows the CORE values of the company and plays well with others, the company promotes from within. Its simple, be on time, do your job, stay safety conscience ALWAYS!, Be honest ALWAYS, Then the company will definately be there for you, with respect and anything a company can reasonably offer. 1) leave of absence. 2.) FMLA. 3) suggestions for solutions that are successful for the employee and Co. Both. I would still be there, maybe I could have made different choices, but I did not think I was able to give the company my best anymore. My boss was kind, understanding, and willing to go the extra mile for me. I also knew they needed a reliable person, every day doing the job, so I chose to step back, A team needs all its players.. I miss them all and my work. JUST...GO FOR IT. GOOD LUCK!

Steven Ransom
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Jackson Free Press This year, for the first time, the expo will host black-owned businesses from ... #In addition, the Jackson Black Pages is planning future job fairs to get ...

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Johnny Sepulveda
Bullet point
over 6 months ago


Well, it sounds like the first guy was talking complete bullshit and the 2nd guy -- almost humanely -- let him know they weren’t going to be hiring any convicted felons anytime soon. That is their right. And depending on the business? BANK, RETAIL, TRANSPORTATION, HEALTH CARE? All open them up to MASSIVE LIABILITY and if they’re not OK w/ the fact that he has to OWN his past, then so be it.

That’s the thing about one’s decisions in life. You’re going to pay for it. Especially in this day and age when I can pay 20 bucks and find out your entire life story. And that’s scary. But it is the way it is. I currently work at a financial institution. First time ever doing so. The background checks? The finger printing? The “mug shots”? The personal references? Um. After a week of that? With my 10uyear old DUI and my temporarily crappy credit? “I’m screwed.” They offered me the job -- as long as all my checks cleared. It was Day 10 after the offer and I sweated through ANOTHER weekend of waiting. Understand,, this job would be the best paying job of my life. And a huge step in my career path (tech). And the interviews? Went wonderfully. And they offered me the job. But I had to wait. I wrote a long email to my potential supervisor about my credit, etc. I shared it w/ my recruiter who became horrified I would even consider sending such a thing.

We argued like a couple breaking up. Phones were hung up. Curse words were exchanged. But in my heart, I wanted at least the CHANCE to defend myself. Or explain myself. “Don’t just read that damn report and think you know me!” I thought. So after that 2nd weekend, I knew my past was rearing its ugly head and I was going to be turned away, my job offered taken back and given to someone else. I was a complete wreck Oh,and btw, I was dead broke. 2 more weeks? I ‘d be homeless. DAMMIT.

So that Monday morning I woke up and sat at my computer. I had an email address from the HR gal that sent me all the background documents. And I wrote her an email.

“Hi, ______:: I felt compelled to write you and the company to let you know I am very aware of my credit and I’m working on a solution and how best to recoup my financial good standing. I would feel wrong if I didn’t acknowledge it. So I am doing so now and hope this doesn’t dissuade __ocmpany from going through my hire, because I really want this job and to work for your company. That is all. Thank you for reading... best, John S.”

And about an hour later? My recruiter, who was screaming at me the last time we spoked - and for good reason -- called me and said: “Are you sitting down?” ME: “Should I be?” HER: “YOU GOT THE JOB!!!” And a big smile took up my entire face and I listened as she congratulated the freaking hell out of me, all excited. And I think I was happier for her for that entire day.

And as of right now? She doesn’t know I wrote them.
And never will.

That’s what I did to somehow mitigate my past, give it some shape or put it under a different light. Yes, I went rogue. But hell, I had noting to lose besides my home.

Do what you can w/in the law to make a potential employer see YOU and YOU and YOU in a different light.

I guarantee you that 99 times out of a 100, they wouldn’t hired me. But you’ve got to know something about me. I ALWAYS BELIEVE I AM THAT ONE IN HUNDRED. I ALWAYS BELIEVE I AM THE DAMN EXCEPTION. I ALWAYS BELIEVE ... in me. It’s what I do best especially when my back is up against it. That’s when I shine.


Now goddamit..., go get’em.

#willpower #resilience #self #background #check #survivor #one #in #a #million #jobsearch #JobcaseroftheDay

Elisa Green
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Drama at #in-homeservice

I have not never had a patient get mad @ me because I'm good at what I do when it come down to my job.

Elisa Green
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I love working with people that need my help when they can't do for they self.

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Toan Nguyen
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

A #stressful #In-N-OutBurger day

My stressful day when the customer was crowded to service them

Toan Nguyen
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

First of all, it's near where I living and second is pay good

Cory Skinner
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Getting fired for being on the phone

Patricia McKechnie
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

The biggest mistake I made was being the most dependable and loyal employee for this company over almost a 2 yr period for them to backstab me once I gave a recent 2/week notice that I was moving from San Angelo to Lubbock. I was told by the scheduler in Lubbock, (as she handed me a new hire application), just let us know once your move is settled and we'll do our best to get you as many hrs as possible. That was not the case...I was told by a certain office staff on 09/18/17 that you can bring in your application but she couldn't gurantee me being re-hired in Lubbock. I immediately started looking for employment elsewhere. I was hired yesterday by one of their competitors. I will say this new Company has much better work ethics/policies. It's All Good! Amen

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