Let me please start off by saying that all my felonies are non violent and are drug related..... I was just a user and every time I got caught up it was for possession. Addiction is sometimes hard to get away from. Most people won't get away from it without help. It took me my last felony I caught to realized that I might have a problem and I started seeking help. I found help at Mission Teens a faith base program and they had one in Brazil Indiana called the House of Hope. I completed the 8 month program 3½ years ago and have had my sobriety every since.
Now seeking employment it has never been so hard untell now. All I want to do is provide and every where I go I'm turned down and these background companies that run the checks are fast to report the bad in your life but never report the good that you may have done and employers never ask. Not saying my good out weight the bad just saying they should report both sides for the employer to see. I feel that if employer's start asking questions about a person felony they would find that not all felons are bad people. There are some good people who are felons who just made some mistakes in their life and corrected themselves to do better.
It seems I have exhausted all my options to find employment. Like I'm forced down a path in the road that I don't want to take. Soon I won't be able to pay rent soon I will be forced out in the streets soon I will become homeless. 😩
So job seekers KEEP YOUR RECORD CLEAN the best advice that I could give and this from experience.
Open to any advice. Looked into expungement just don't have the cash. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Derek B.
#interview #hiringnews #jobsearch #employer #motivation #employee #background #past #employment #advice #jobseeker

In medical industries it is extremely important to understand confidentiality. Why? Because violation of confidentiality can bring a heavy lawsuit down on the employer. It doesnt matter if you think because you discuss something of a patient info with close friends who are not in your line of work. Breach of confidentiality is violation of HIPPA law and the employer policy. What if your friend has other quaintences that he/she conversed with rumors circulated without facts and little knowledge of your permitted access or much.
With investigation a person can find the root source of the chain gossip and have you terminated and sue the company for breach of confidentiality. It also speaks volume of the character of you the employee who signed documents of stating you understand such clause and reason.
There is a saying that goes: "Common sense not common practiced."
Common sense should have you ask if you would want someone to do to you as you do to another no matter who they are and the position or titled. Too often people forget that they are human and not the job position or title or credentials. In knowing this common sense of morality, you would hope humanity would function and facilitate kindness and integrity.
Integrity is just as essential for an employee as it is for the employer, the brand and the product and service it offers. Without it the quality is horrible and so is the reputation which falls on those in the business functioning on every level.
I watched a movie for college and was told to write a paper on what I learned and the most important line that stole my heart was this:
"Attitude reflects leadership"-Remember the Titans.
I look at people attitude and it tells me of the person of their leadership. I have witnessed it on jobs. I then ponder who raised the person? Or is this the learning of ill society and social media teaching. It is no wonder so many seek out employment and lie once obtaining the employment and demonstrate poor quality-leadership.
When a leader doesn't have confidentiality of its staff it leads and discuss with those it leads about other employees it creates a problem. That attitude run faster than a wild fire and infects quicker than a virus. Why? Because some fear fomo or rejection and want speak on it.
I watched Caucasian people in position on a job be fearful and they were in leadership, and I knew it was a problem. Companies are driven in the ground when confidentiality and integrity is missing. No need to trust the ethics line because it is plagued with the same kind of people. I am sure when the owner visioned the company it was not thinking or planning such persons would tarnish the dream and vision of the company and hold fast to the values and mission.
So job seekers. Be the difference you desire to see and not absorb bad company or habits and keep confidentiality.

Yes they can and they do -- in many states. And yes, poor credit can keep you from getting a job. https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/finance/credit-score-employer-checking/

I was working with a staffing agency in my job search and recently received a call from them about a possible opportunity. They scheduled a phone interview which the interviewer didn't bother calling - wasting some of my wife's PTO to be there to watch the kid's while I sat waiting for the call. The staffing agency said she was stuck in a meeting and apologized and we rescheduled. Again, no call. Again wife wasted PTO. This time the staffing agency person took the blame saying he didn't send the interviewer the calendar invite and we rescheduled again. The third time worked and the interview went extremely well and received a call from the staffing agent saying they were very impressed and wanted me to meet with the 2 executives I would be supporting as mostly a formality. Three days go by without a call. I call the agent and left a message with no response for a WEEK. I call again and send an email to the agent requesting information on the situation. No response for another 3 days. I call him again and finally get a reply on voicemail saying he's been trying for a week to contact the employer with no success. A few days later I call him again and leaves another voicemail saying he's heard nothing - "she's gone dark" and there's nothing more they can do. I've been working for nearly 30 years now and have NEVER heard of such a situation. In the end, all I wanted was an explanation because it was obviously a place I no longer wanted to work for and to find out if I had done something wrong. All I got was silence. Anyone heard of such a scenario? Anyone have any advice on how to deal with it? Not just the employer but the staffing agency as well.

I want to be an amployer at publix

By law the only saying prospective employer can ask a previous employer by law is if you work there and are you rehireable they cannot ask or answer any questions about your wages beware this is strongly a scam in my opinion

Well I found out that one of my employers was a current criminal. What happens when your company is shut down by the Feds---- you don't get a paycheck all company accounts are frozen. This happens to many private owned businesses. Do your due diligence and do a criminal background check on small business owner's. If this happens you will need to file charges with your states labor department to make a claim on any wages earned and not paid out. You will need to keep track on the case as all creditors are paid off before any former employee will receive a $.01. Be aware and perform your own background checks before being hired in the private industry or nonprofit organizations