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Derek Batterton

over 6 months ago
Let me please start off by saying that all my felonies are non violent and are drug related..... I was just a user and every time I got caught up it was for possession. Addiction is sometimes hard to get away from. Most people won't get away from it without help. It took me my last felony I caught to realized that I might have a problem and I started seeking help. I found help at Mission Teens a faith base program and they had one in Brazil Indiana called the House of Hope. I completed the 8 month program 3½ years ago and have had my sobriety every since.
Now seeking employment it has never been so hard untell now. All I want to do is provide and every where I go I'm turned down and these background companies that run the checks are fast to report the bad in your life but never report the good that you may have done and employers never ask. Not saying my good out weight the bad just saying they should report both sides for the employer to see. I feel that if employer's start asking questions about a person felony they would find that not all felons are bad people. There are some good people who are felons who just made some mistakes in their life and corrected themselves to do better.
It seems I have exhausted all my options to find employment. Like I'm forced down a path in the road that I don't want to take. Soon I won't be able to pay rent soon I will be forced out in the streets soon I will become homeless. 😩
So job seekers KEEP YOUR RECORD CLEAN the best advice that I could give and this from experience.
Open to any advice. Looked into expungement just don't have the cash. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Derek B.
#interview #hiringnews #jobsearch #employer #motivation #employee #background #past #employment #advice #jobseeker
douglas spahr

over 6 months ago
1 Answer
Everybody has a past, but it's the present that matters. Surround yourself with people who care more about you "now" than you "then". More importantly, you yourself need to care about who you are today! Treat each day as a fresh start. I think you'll gain a lot of confidence, self-belief, and motivation.