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Alexander Montoya
Bullet point
4 months ago

“How well does your dispatcher communicate with you, and how do they handle any challenges or unexpected situations on the road?”

#truckdrivers #career #jobsearch #interview #advice #application

Alexander Montoya
Bullet point
4 months ago

“How well does your dispatcher communicate with you, and how do they handle any challenges or unexpected situations on the road?”

#truckdrivers #career #jobsearch #interview #advice #application

Steven Ransom
Bullet point
over 6 months ago
Alexander Montoya
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Electric Tesla Semi-Truck

Here’s a video of a an interviewer asking truck drivers what they think about the new electric Tesla semi-truck. The truck drivers make valid points about the Tesla. They said going over the road is not likely to happen and will be for local hauls only. I agree because at some point you have to charge the tractor and truck drivers have routes and schedules to stick to. I can only imagine trying to wait around for another driver to finish charging.

Another valid point made by the female truck driver is that California already has problems with the power grid. So it’s only going to get worse once these trucks and regular electric vehicles become mandatory with the new California law.

I actually just received a new job offer with a trucking company owned by Maersk which is basically working directly with the ports. Although I work for a great company, I couldn’t pass up a job offer that is Union. But the interesting thing is they just purchased a new fleet of electric semi trucks that I get to experience. Apparently electric vehicles will be mandatory in 2027 if you want to get into the California ports. 🚛⚡️

What do you think about electric semi-trucks?


#jobsearch #advice #career #jobcase #truckdrivers

Alexander Montoya
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Unauthorized Semi-Truck Parking

I was reading an article about a Greyhound bus colliding with a semi-truck on July 12 killing three people and injuring 14 in Highland, Illinois. This was the result of a semi-truck parking on an exit ramp which is unauthorized parking and cannot be used as a rest area. DOT regulations have strict rules that prevent truck drivers from driving past 16 hours or they’ll receive a citation and penalty for breaking this rule. With this rule in place “Over the Road” OTR drivers tend to just pull over on the highway and rest for 8 hours which is illegal. 🚫

Apparently the state of Illinois does not have enough rest areas for truck drivers. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating this accident to determine how they can prevent tragedies like this in the future. Although I’m not an OTR driver, from my personal experience truck rest areas are very difficult to find and can be really spread out making it a hassle for drivers looking to rest, fuel up, and put air in their tires if they need to. 🚛

If you’re a new driver, I recommend improving your time management skills, navigation skills, and organizational skills so you can minimize any possible dangerous situations like this. Know your routes and rest areas along the way. You can utilize apps like “TruckMap” that will provide you with truck routes, rest areas, scale locations, and other features that are useful for truck drivers. I am providing the link to the article for those that want to read it. 📖


#truckdrivers #safety #cdl #jobcase #career

Alexander Montoya
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Federal Transportation Agency Finalizes New Marijuana Testing Policies to Reduce False Positives

Looks like we are one step closer to eliminating marijuana testing for truck drivers. As a marijuana advocate myself this is great news! Although I stopped smoking marijuana when I got my CDL, I 110% support the marijuana advocates fighting to eliminate this DOT policy.

According to this article the federal register is moving forward to allow oral saliva drug testing instead of urine testing. Advocates and experts view urine tests as problematic in part because THC metabolites can show up for weeks or months after consumption—resulting in false positive results for people who are not actually impaired on the job. Saliva testing apparently only shows up in between 1-24 hours after use.

Marijuana testing is contributing to the trucker shortage because tens of thousands of truck drivers have tested positive for marijuana use and have declined to return to work. Federal agencies such as the ATF and the Secret Service have updated their employment policies that once automatically disqualified candidates. A top Wells Fargo analyst has also stated that rising costs and labor shortages are caused by marijuana testing.

Do you support the elimination of marijuana testing? Do you support saliva testing?


#jobsearch #truckdrivers #jobcase #hiringnews

Alexander Montoya
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

“Commercial Driver Salaries”

The average truck driver salary in the United States is $83,158 per year. However, it may vary depending on the type of truck that you drive. I will be posting about several commercial vehicles that will earn you top pay for the next couple of weeks. Keep in mind the more pay, the responsibilities, endorsements, and certifications you will need.

Oversized loads, also known as over-dimension loads, exceed the standard legal dimensions set by federal regulations. As a result, oversized haulers must display a higher than average skill in maneuvering loads such as construction equipment, wind turbines, mobile homes, and industrial machinery. These drivers must follow additional regulations that specify the routes and times of day these loads are legally allowed to move. As a result, an escort crew is often required, and some companies require the driver to hire their escort team.

Because these large items are usually quite expensive, additional insurance and other precautions are required. A higher compensation for the driver behind the wheel of these behemoth loads comes with the territory.

Oversized loads average around $71,000 a year, but depending on the state you work in you could earn more. I know in California these commercial drivers earn six figures easily.

#truckdrivers #jobsearch #commercialvehicles #career #jobcase

Alexander Montoya
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Commercial Driver Apps

1.Trucker Path ✅

Trucker Path is used by over one million truckers to access valuable information about truck stops, parking, fuel prices, and weigh stations. Tuckers can access real-time information about available parking stops, weigh station status, truck wash locations, and roads with low clearance.

  1. uShip Mobile ✅

This app is for owner-operators, helping users generate new and recurring business by submitting quotes or accepting offers on customers’ shipments. On the app, users can create a profile, search shipments, submit quotes, and get paid on delivery. uShip Mobile has over 3.5 million shipping customers, 780,000 service providers, and 5.7 million shipment listings.

  1. Drivewyze ✅

The app provides a weigh station bypass service, location based alerts, coaching tools, and infrastructure services. Drivewyze offers bypass opportunities at over 847 sites in 46 states and provinces to interstate truckers.

  1. Motive ✅

Motive boasts an industry leading AI Dashcam and automated driver coaching to help prevent accidents and protect drivers. Truckers can also use a no-fee Motive Card to fill up at the pump. Other offerings provided by Motive include an ELD and real-time visibility into the location, use, and health of vehicles, equipment, and assets.

  1. Fuelbook ✅

With Fuelbook, truckers can search through more than 5,000 truck stops nationwide. Additional paid features include ranking view, list view, less IFTA view, custom location labels, and fleet directory.

  1. iExit ✅

Truckers can use the iExit app to find exits and amenities while on the road. Truckers can view a list of gas stations, restaurants, and lodging across the nation.

  1. Trucker Tools ✅

Trucker Tools offers features that include load search, tracking, routing and fuel optimizer, parking, rest areas, weight scales, truck stop guide, and document upload. It’s a mighty app that’s well worth adding to your arsenal of tools.

#truckdrivers #jobsearch #commercialdrivers

Bullet point
over 6 months ago

WHAT POSTED SIGN DO YOU ADHERE I was driving today down the interstate and came upon a speeding sign. Upon first glance it said 55 mph (orange diamond) but just maybe 10 feet past the sign 70 mph (white square) was posted too and not covered. Have you ever seen this or similiar? Which speed would you have maintain?

#jobs #truckdrivers #advice

Bullet point
over 6 months ago

New Year, New Job

So the year its off to a new start. I decided to cut my losses as a company driver after being with them a year and finally reaching top pay. Some would ask why leave after reaching that goal. I would give my input and they would respond with their's. I would speak on the advantages and disadvantages of making this move.

I decided to sign on as an independent contractor with a 3rd party company. I am excited about the no-slip seat, dedicated lane, and no set start time just as long as its delivered by set a time.

Do you think I made a bad decision right now due to the economy and market? Should I have stuck I out with the company longer or tried my luck running dedicated as a independent contractor? Id like to hear your thoughts?

#jobsearch #advice #truckdrivers #interview

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