It's disheartening to be fired for reasons that aren't justified. How do you regain your confidence and move forward after an unfair termination? #SeekingGuidance #StayStrong

Apply for something you have never done. It may not pay to start what you are expecting, but as you learn the position raises are possible.

Hello all I hope this finds you well despite our current status Just know that this awful pandemic cannot atop you from planning Is there anyone here from GA? I want to relocate, preferably to either Lawrenceville, Buford or Suwanee. Does anyone have insight to affordable apartments in those areas? (but not limited to) I will be working for my current employer Delaware North Companies (DNC) as GA is now open for business I know that DNC is now preparing for business as well
Any insight into apartment hunting would be greatly appreciated
Thank you all and take care and stay safe #staystrong #applications #housing #relocation #newlife

My last paycheck was April 2nd so I’ve been stretching it until this furlough is over. I have some money in savings to carry me over till mid May. #staystrong

Hey Guys!! Just stopping by to say if you are having issues finding work or you already got a job and having issues at work, KEEP YOUR HEAD UP and DON’T GIVE UP! Everything happens for a reason, god gives his toughest battles to his strongest SOLDIERS and you guys are all soldiers/warriors and you will overcome it all! Just keep going, KEEP PUSHING ... you will get there, I promise :)
#Warriors #StayStrong #WeAreStrong #Encouragement #Advice #Motivation #Inspiration #Strong

This is your friendly reminder to NOT give up!!! Motivation is something we all need more of, but sometimes things get tough and you can lose yours. Often the longer someone must look for a job the more down they can feel, but don’t lose hope and most importantly NEVER give up. Here are 4 tips to help you recharge that motivation!
Set goals Write 3-5 things you want to accomplish each day. This will help you focus and gives you something to circle back to until the list is completed. Make sure to give yourself a little reward when you’ve finished all of your goals! : )
Write yourself a note Motivation comes from within and who better to motivate you than yourself? A simple, “YOU are amazing!” written on a sticky note posted somewhere you will see it, can really help first thing in the morning to start your day. Remember not to be too hard on yourself and think positively.
Get some air If you feel cooped up in your home, try taking a walk outside. Fresh air has been proven to help boost your mood, immune system, and oxygen levels allowing you to think more clearly. Sometimes you just need to step away for a bit, especially when you are feeling frustrated or upset.
Reach out to family and friends Life gets so busy, but there is no better time to check in with your loved ones. Talk about the difficulties you are facing and share your thought. Know that are NOT alone in this. Everyone has been where you are right now, and they can certainly relate. If you don’t feel like chatting with your loved ones, you could always post [here] (https://www.jobcase.com/community) in the Jobcase community. We are there for you!
So, what are somethings YOU do to stay motivated in your everyday life?

You have so much to offer! When you feel like saying "I give up," don't! Giving up is over rated, trust me. It's for those that say "I can't" or "won't" and YOU are not that person. You are strong and can do anything!! Keep working hard, keep looking, keep at it. If you need help, you have friends here. If you think you are alone, you're not. We have ALL been where you are right now at this very instant, so do not feel bad about that or for yourself. Pick yourself up and push forward. Keep moving and never look back. Always be sure to keep going forward to the next great thing coming your way, or you might miss it. Stay strong and never, ever give up.

I got hired at this law firm as a entry level paralegal. I was reassured the company would provide the necessary training for me to be up to speed with the work environment. Come to find out it was a Negative!! I found myself being in the office early morning, late nights, but I still felt like I was drowning. One of the lawyers took notice and call me in for a meeting. First thought that came to mind was I am getting fired because this specific lawyer is tough to handle. Thankfully, I was not fired, but more redirected into the right direction. He gave me some advice and explain how when he started out as a lawyer some of the concerns he experienced. Against my better judgement, I was able to see him in a different light. I learned the most toughest people have the biggest lessons/advice to share.
I just settled for being old and smart, because people will run out of water, people will run out of good food, power grids will fail, crops will fail, and oxygen will be depleted by smoke from fires and volcanoes. I really don't worry because I can bypass all that just because I know how and young engineers are still starching their heads wondering how to out smart acid rain, pollution, and plastic in everything that lives! Is there a job for me? Nope! I don't have a degree, they don't hand them out for six grade drop outs with a 178 IQ!