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Brandy Meriweather
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Have you ever wanted to work in an OB office? I know I have!

Pregnant moms and cute babies all day? Who could resist.

Optum Rhinebeck, NY is hiring a Patient Navigator to assist with the following responsibilities:

~ Provide patient appointment and procedure scheduling both on telephone and with direct patient interaction in office, and scheduling maintenance of surgeries for one or more Physicians ~ Reschedule patient appointments as needed using EMR and Scheduling System ~ Must possess solid interpersonal skills to communicate effectively with patients, co-workers, Management Staff, and Physicians ~ Assist with staff scheduling and assist manager as needed ~Demonstrate professionalism in appearance and actions with patients, staff, Physicians and Administrators always ~ Maintains confidentiality of patient information ~ Receives requests to schedule procedures from physician offices and patients and schedules the procedure according to the availability of the various departments ~ Provides accurate information so that all departments may view and print the schedule for the appointments daily, and maintains open communication with hospital departments regarding schedule changes

Apply today! - https://careers.unitedhealthgroup.com/job/20070101/patient-navigator-ob-rhinebeck-ny-rhinebeck-ny/

#healthcarejobs #officejobs #ob #scheduling

Jessica Calderon
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

How do you guys feel about being scheduled for on-call shifts? How long should the window of being called in be?

#on-call #scheduling #workplace #schedule # #jobsearch #oncall

23 Answers
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Anthony Harrington
Bullet point
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IT Business Analyst

Where I work, we have 7 days of being the after-hours on-call staff. we are on-call every 7th week. I LOATHE my turn on the rotation. It stresses me out, we have to put our lives on hold for 7 days so we can be near a computer at all times in the event a call comes in.

Additionally, if we have to pull in an additional resource, like a developer for example, it takes a herculean effort to get ahold of someone.

Calls come in all hours of the night/early morning. Then you have to be up and ready for your regular shift the next day.

There is no differential pay for this either as we are salaried.

If ever I decide to look for a new job, I am going to ensure it does not have on-call hours as a requirement.

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Juan Paxtor
Bullet point

Coustomer service.

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