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Lawrence White

Community Specialist
over 6 months ago
Each year, MilitaryX helps thousands of veterans find their next career move.
Register to attend this exciting hiring event at New York City Veteran Virtual Job Fair
- Event Details - Tuesday, April 6, 2021, from 11a - 2p, (Virtual/Remote).
- You meet and interview with employers via text from your desktop or laptop browser; our platform supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge
Past employers in New York City have included Amazon, Apple, and TSA. These and other great employers have hired veterans full-time across a swathe of industries ranging from accounting, to IT, to HR, to sales.
Click the 'Register' button to sign into your MilitaryX Virtual Job Fairs profile.
- If you don't have a profile yet, you can create one in under 5-minutes.
After you login, you can register your profile for the New York City event on April 6, 2021.
Hope you are able to attend!
#MilitaryX #hiringnews #jobsearch #veteran #NewYorkCity #NewYork #fulltime #parttime #warehouse, transportation #security #IT #administration #Management