Your next potential EMPLOYER may see what you are POSTING about your feelings, anger, health, whatever....... you just may be your own biggest enemy when it comes to finding your next job. Just a word of CAUTION. Your next potential employer may actually be reading your post(s). Once on the web it never goes away. #JobcaseroftheDay #jobsearch

I am posting this pic because I just read someone’s reply to a jobcaser’s post with negative vibe. We are here to lift each other and to learn from one another. When people share their journey, it helps to know that we are not alone. So, when someone shares good news about finding a job, we should find humility, class and love to celebrate that huge accomplishment. We don’t know how long people have been seeking employment. We don’t know what personal difficulties they are going through: are their credit cards maxed out? Do they have someone ill in their home? Are they about to lose their homes, their cars? Do their children need to put college on hold to find a job so they can help? Are they having suicidal thoughts because they are so discouraged?
So if you are not humble, not caring, not loving and not empathetic enough to encourage others, it is best that you restrain from negative comments if there is not a lesson to learn from your post or reply.
#itisnotwgatyousay #itishowyousayit
LET’S HELP EACH OTHER T.E.A.M: TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHIEVES MORE #goodvibes #JobcaseroftheDay #jobsearch #unemploymentsucks #celebrateeachother #teamplayer #findajob #supporteachother #positivity #blessings #gratefulforyouall

Hello my fellow Jobcasers
I saw a post about an offer being retracted. I did some research and I saw that link. I decided to post it because that can happen to any of us. Information helps with Prevention.
https://www.spigglelaw.com/employment-blog/quit-job-take-new-position-offer-rescinded/ #JobcaseroftheDay #jobsearch #joboffer #seeklegaladvice #notfair

Monday, a friend of mine told me that he was laid off from a major financial company because the company decided to outsource the jobs to India. I told him about jobcase and I sent him a few joblinks.
Yesterday, I reached out to a former client who works for a financial company and she told me to email her his resume , which happened in the next 10 minutes. As I am searching jobs for myself, I am also helping my friend with his job search. I am a firm believer when we help people (even we go through tough times) more doors and opportunities will open to us. #jobsearch #helpafriend #help #outsourcing #unemployment #wordofadvice #behelpful #bekind #beresourceful #keepbelieving #Godwillopendoors #JobcaseroftheDay

Hi everyone! I just got an email from Jobcase themselves saying that today I was chosen as Jobcaser of the day! Thank to Jobcase for being such a great social network for me these past thred years and giving me a great career and now a $100 Amazon Gift card! I am so proud of my achievement on Jobcase. Thank you also for making my small business Resume Diva Company possible!

I've been unemployed for 5 months now, bills pastdue money is scarce. I've applied for over 337 jobs in and out of my field and still nothing. I've applied for personal loans only to be denied, over and over again. This stuff gets soooooooo depressing its terrible, because you dont know what to do next.

This morning I received a surprise email that made me smile.
Thank you immensely to you Jobcasers for the kindness displayed.
I appreciate you all so very much.
That gift card will come in handy with my recent move (three weeks ago) to Arizona.
May 2019 be an amazing year for you and your family to find what it is you desire and aren't afraid to work hard for.
I look forward to being the Beacon of Light to as many people as I possible can this year. My goal is to help another 20 families add the needed skills for their success.
Thank you once again!

Please pray for me.I received an email this weekend from a company that wants to interview me.I researched the company...OMG...this is heaven sent.What a great opportunity.I will keep everybody informed.I will share after the interview....Lorna Hurder