Hurry! The US Forest Wildland Firefighter Apprentice Program applications are OPEN!
The Wildland Firefighter Apprenticeship Program develops the knowledge and basic skills necessary to work as a Wildland Firefighter.
Take Advantage of One of These Recruiting Events!
Q&A with a Wildland Firefighter Apprentice - Tuesday, August 31, from 3p - 4p, (MDT)
Navigating USAJOBS - Thursday, September 2, from 3p -4p, (MDT)
Selected applicants will attend a 3,000 hour on-the-job learning program, which includes a two month-long residential firefighting academy at the Wildland Fire Training Center in McClellan, California.
The average starting pay rate for this role is $680/wk!
Apprentices will be paid and all costs of training will be covered by the Forest Service.
Get all the program details, qualification requirements and application instructions today at US Forestry Service Apprenticeship Program/2021
Discover other US Forest careers and new hiring opportunities at US Forest Careers
#USForest #jobsearch #hiringnews #fulltime #environment #firefighter #apprenticeship #NationWideUSA

The US Forestry Department is hiring temporary employees of a federal land management agencies for permanent fire positions.
Applications will be accepted on USAJOBS, from Mar. 31 - Apr. 7.
The following positions will be open on www.usajobs.gov March 31-April 7:
- Senior Firefighter, for more information on fire careers, please visit our Careers in WildLand Fire webpage.
Applications will only be accepted on USAJOBS.gov..
Please ensure you submit all necessary paperwork with your application.
##USDAForest #hiringnews #jobsearch #firefighter #nationwideuse

FEMA is on a hiring spree this season and hosting a series of virtual career information webinars where job seekers and FEMA hiring managers can meet to discuss FEMA career opportunities, organization vision/mission, effective resume writing, networking and more.
Interested? Choose from the list of virtual events below and register yourself to attend these FREE FEMA recruiting events:
Virtual Event Success Tip - How to ace a Zoom interview
See full list of FEMA virtual recruiting events at FEMA Virtual Events - March 2021
Virtual Event Success Tip - Before, during, and after a virtual hiring event
Learn more and find your FEMA career path at Position Types and Hiring Paths at FEMA
Ready to apply? STOP!! Take a look at FEMA Application Guidelines to maximize your application results.
Digital Brand Building Tip - Jobcase app: profile tips to get hired
#FEMA #jobsearch #hiringevents #fulltime #parttime #Reservist #crisismanagement #firefighter #customerservice #oncall #NationWideUSA

The past 2 years I have been firefighting , before that I was in college for diesel tech and industrial millwright technology, looking to further my education and have a stable job

I’m retiring soon. 30 years in the fire service as a Captain firefighter/paramedic. Word of mouth has sent me four good job offers. Have to sit down and find what will work best for my family. Do I stay with the paramedic side or move over to safety manager with my OSHA certs and degree? Both pay well, but one is very close to home with no challenges; the other three involve some travel but a lot of new challenges. Should I go for one of them or put my resume Officially out there in January.

Qualifications or duties, how much frosting do you add to get a job? I keep getting told that "this means that" or you did that so you are qualified for this. I choose my words for communicating efficiently and effectively. So I am curious , is this an age gap thing or must one be obsequious to the interviewer using misnomers to gain employment in today's career battle royal. I prefer using words I and the interviewer both know and understand. But still underutilized in the monetary compensation league. Almost 60 and tired of getting notices that want a highly energetic and eager to please attitude in the exciting fields of Janitorial, Labor intensive and those Uber/Lift drivers. Over 30 years work experience including being a Firefighter/Officer with a major city. Responding to emergencies was my passion, making deli sandwiches not so much.

We can do it all thou the lord!!

Marcella, That is wonderful, cherish It! I'm a retired Firefighter! seemingly each time I'm gifted with an interview " Age" seemingly is the issue. my response, just give me one chance, then you will not every regret. Can't just sit and become idle, need activities, work, be a part in life, love nice people, enjoy being a part with others!

I desire to join any available fire fighting job because I have a personal and in built carrier for the operation. If jobcase can get one for me I'll be so great Full

i live in Suriname do you think that i can also apply for this job. in Suriname my job is fire fighter.