I just keep on trying for the next one

Keep moving forward never stop when one door closes another one always open to bigger and better things

I feel to get more best opportunities.

How I keep myself motivated after receiving multiple rejection is to keep moving forward. If I'm looking to accomplish something, I'm to to keep pursing whatever I'm after until I obtain it. Giving up is never an option if you really want something.

Remember their are numerous TYPES of(remote) customer service jobs, HOWEVER at least 100 people are applying for same job you apply for!! Apply for jobs in parallel( at the same time) 3 categories. 1. most interested in. 2.moderately interest in. 3. Desperate bills are due, (take what you can get for now). Remember jobs offering $30.00 per hour to start and $25.00 per hour while training are probably phishing jobs trying to get you to download Microsoft teams for interview So they can steal your banking info during interview, teams has security issues with their platform.( google: the Microsoft teams platform security issues) people are getting their bank accounts hacked into during interview.

No tengo experiencia laboral quizás por eso no me llaman para un trabajo

To stay motivated after multiple rejections, acknowledge your emotions, actively seek feedback to learn from the experience, reframe your perspective to focus on the positive aspects, build resilience by setting new goals, and seek support from others to maintain a positive outlook.

Just hang in there something will turn up

If it's meant to be ,it will happen.. It requires patience and persistence.
It might take a 100 NO’s before you get 1 yes. Never take NO as an answer follow up by asking another question and prepare yourself to overcome objections.you need Thick skin don’t be insulted or take it personally and go back the next week same time and ask again your tenacity and drive will impress the client and you might just get a yes for your hard work. Sales isn’t the business for faint of heart, but the rewards are great and you can find yourself very happy in the right position with the right company best of luck you can do it never give up.