Good Morning Jobcase Community! Today I would like to ask a question, hopefully, you will be kind enough to answer? ***How Do You Start Your Day? *****
I would like to start a conversation with each of you to help me a project I am involved with in a class I am currently enrolled in. Physiology I, Understanding Differences will you help me by answering my question? Feel free to comment, like and share! Thank you in advance as I always know I can count on you! #advice, #JobcaseroftheDay, #thoughts, #jobsearch, #teenjobs, #volunteer, #Manufacturin, #training, #Construction, #WorkFromHome, #training, #TransitTravel, #Travel, #assessment, #Stocker, #unions, #coworkers

When my feet hit the floor, I thank God that I can walk.

Hmmmmm.. that’s an excellent question! I will surely answer momentarily.

Hey There, Michael- I start the day with my first Coke of many and yelling at my 34-year-old son. It gets the blood going and he's way too old to be relying on his mama, it's been a year! Then with the TV as background noise, it's straight to the tablet and Coke number 2 and maybe more yelling, depending on my mood... I know, I know, TMI-But you asked and I tell it like it is!

Hi Michael Carvalho !
I start my day by brewing a cup of coffee and taking my pups out for a walk!
Look likes I’m late to the morning routine... lol. Well I guess y’all got your answer..