Happy Saturday!! Are you feeling stressed looking a new position?? 😢 = YES or 😎=NO Answer with an emoji! #jobsearch #advice #application #jobs #latino #workforce

As our City Wide Job Fair is approaching, here are some do’s and don’ts of attending a job interview:
- Be on the side of professionalism when choosing your attire to demonstrate that you are taking the interview seriously. Your hygiene and appearance should be flawless.
- Arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled start of the interview.
- Make sure you are aware of the employer's next move in the hiring process and are aware of when and who you should contact. Recognize any required next steps for you to take.
- Promptly, send your interviewer a letter of appreciation.
- Don't criticize current or former professors or employers.
- Don’t act as though you would accept any job or need employment.
- Don't give false information in your application or your interview responses.
- Don't create the appearance that you are exclusively concerned with money; wait until the employer brings up compensation and benefits before you inquire about them.
@chicagourbanleague #chicagourbanleague #workforce #development #interview

How can employers help support more in the work place??
Latinas are a powerful force in entrepreneurship and the workplace but continue to be underrepresented in higher leadership roles in Corporate America. Latinas account for less than 2% of executives and hold less than 3% of all corporate board seats.
To better support Latina employees and be better allies, employers should combat biases, create an environment where all work and contributions are valued, celebrate all identities and cultures, and create an environment with open communication and equal respect.

Happy International Women’s Day !

Working at work plus one Central allowed me to help people file for unemployment look for a jobs fill out applications for food stamps help them with resumes and facilitated the resume workshop the computer Workshop and the interviewing Workshop so you have to be able to work with people on a daily basis and some days will be better than others

Hello, I have a couple of questions,
How do I (or where would I find resources) write up a resume after almost 17 years of being absent from the work force.
Are there any remote jobs that would possibly hire me after such a long absence? #workforce, #application #resume

hope job comes quick.. #workforce #wordsofadvice

I'm trying to find a job.im Looking for at least 30 some hrs a week.i live in wheatfield.. #workforce #