I don’t have job experience yet because I am almost 17 years old and I want to start working

Terrible management, HR that ignores managers date employees and promoting them, Or use promotion to fix problems with individuals instead of firing them. #obam #brunswick,me #shitemployer #osha #HRwhereareyou?
I was told it was more important to make nice with the undermanaged and lackluster management to get ahead. #fail #badidea #poorculture #mymanagerwassleepingaroundwithothermAnagersandbragged - HR did nothing. #save yourself! #wayfairsucks #equality #raceequalityisneededhere #sexualexplortation

Remember the old story about the ant and the grasshopper? Basically, the ants store up for winter and the grasshopper doesn’t- guess who makes it to the next spring..
Ok- it’s really important to be the ant now!
I don’t know exactly when it starts but the next recession will be very unforgiving. It will also create new opportunities so it’s not all doom and gloom. But the difference between extreme economic suffering and adjusting to new dynamic and new opps might just be dictated by whether you prepared for a winter like the ant or you were the grasshopper.
I’ll be writing more about this in sept but the article below just really focused me into this on a beautiful sunny morning. And I’m sitting here worried for people. Especially those that find it so hard to save when they struggle to cobble together living wages in a system that increasingly is blind to the circumstance. And, the earlier the prep the easier the prep, thus the quick sharing of this article..
If you don’t like reading economic stuff, don’t worry - the summary is, it’s getting really hard for people who know what they are doing to know what they are doing. As an old trader and economist - that’s not good.
So #save
Reduce debt
Prepare profile and resume for unexpected job searches
Get active in volunteering to extend your network
And start to think about other ways u can be that ant.

I am finishing up high school but working at Home Depot part-time. It's helping me save up for college which is nice. Not sure I will have enough for yet but my manager is cool and let's me pick up extra shifts on Saturday if someone calls out. Hoping I won't need too many more scholarships or finacial aid to help me out. Trying not to end up in debt.

The interviewer expanded the job, hired me as a part-time stocker.

The interviewer expanded the job, hired me as a part-time stocker.

Stocking shelves