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Steven Ransom
Bullet point
over 6 months ago


Job Search Radio

The skills needed to find a job are different than the skills needed to do a job. Job Search Radio provides ways to improve your job-hunting skills including job search preparation, writing great resumes, cover letters and thank you letters, interviewing, how to answer tough interview questions, coping with job boards, job search networking, branding, job search mistakes– the many things you need to know to conduct an effective job search, leverage your professional success into your next job and avoid mistakes that may cost you opportunities you want. Job Search Radio is reaching people who are changing jobs, re-training and/or redefining their career goals. They are a group that is well-educated and upwardly mobile.

Do you have a product or service that would be

#jobs, #jobsearch, #job-hunting, #recruiting, #head hunter, #hiring, #job interview, #jeff Altman, #job search radio, #skills, #resume, #branding, #leverage Who said Does job hunting have to be so hard?

1 Comment
Patsy Richard
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

An advocate who would speak up for substitute teachers. They have not had a raise in OVER 20 years and the students show them no respect.

Cynthia Okonkwo
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

During the pandemic it has become more and more clear that online business is here to stay. And as horrible as it has been, those poised to take advantage of unique opportunities have benefited greatly. You can, too.

That's why this might be the most valuable free training opportunity you’ve ever seen…

But first let me warn you… there’s a great big catch. It’s something you have to watch out for.

So it’s a live “Launch Masterclass” with 10+ hours of training - for free.

It’s all about serving others through your passion, hobby, or other interest and creating financial security for your family at the same time. It's about launching your course or product or service (or even your full business if you’re just getting started), and it’s by Jeff Walker (the guy who invented online product launches).

There will be three different sessions, each building on the prior lesson.

The three sessions (or lessons) will make up a complete course (that’s why it’s a masterclass). There’s going to be a bunch of other cool content available too.

And it’s all completely free.

You can get registered for the masterclass at this link:


Here’s the catch: the entire training is going to be delivered LIVE… so this is a time limited offer. There will be recordings available, but only for a limited time. So you need to go sign up and get registered now:


Cynthia O.

P.S. The “Launch Masterclass” is only going to be available for a few days. Get it here:

https://productlaunchformula.com/go?p=a4821&w=how_to_launch #OnlineBusiness #FreeMasterclass #Jeff Walker

1 Comment
Kayla Bailey
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I felt proud to work for #Jeff Davis Dental when...

Loved working at Jeff Davis dental

Steven Ransom
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Job Search Radio

The skills needed to find a job are different than the skills needed to do a job. Job Search Radio provides ways to improve your job-hunting skills including job search preparation, writing great resumes, cover letters and thank you letters, interviewing, how to answer tough interview questions, coping with job boards, job search networking, branding, job search mistakes– the many things you need to know to conduct an effective job search, leverage your professional success into your next job and avoid mistakes that may cost you opportunities you want. Job Search Radio is reaching people who are changing jobs, re-training and/or redefining their career goals. They are a group that is well-educated and upwardly mobile.

Do you have a product or service that would be

#jobs, #jobsearch, #job-hunting, #recruiting, #head hunter, #hiring, #job interview, #jeff Altman, #job search radio, #skills, #resume, #branding, #leverage Who said Does job hunting have to be so hard?

1 Comment