I'm telling you the truth... (MUST READ)
Whatever you are looking for in life will eventually show up in your life according to the Laws of Attraction. Be it large or small it will appear once you pickup that magnifying glass and conduct your research.
How many people have you observed focusing on the negative things, while the tiny positive things that could "flip the script" in life?
Whatever you focus on life comes to fruition. It's time to flip the script in life.
I Believe You Can...!
#PersonalDevelopment #Motivation #Inspiration #Heath #Wealth #Family #Friendship #Networking

I am looking desperately for a job. I have been in the workforce for years and after losing my son 3 years ago on Feb 11 I went through serious post partum. As a result I committed a crime and I had to do time for it. I was recently released and I’m trying to put the pieces of my life back together. Everyone has a past but I see it is really tough for ex offenders; especially women. Not many programs to help us get back on our feet. I’d love to start one but I need income in order to do so. I was real nervous to post this but I needed somewhere to talk about my problems and at this point I’m not ashamed of who I am and I shouldn’t be. Just trying to start over at the age of 34. I have a degree, great work history, and expience in areas such as: Case Management, Call Center, Event Planning, Lobbying, Retail, and Customer Service. But my criminal history is recent. I just need someone who will take a risk on me I’m a great person who did something not great but it doesn’t define me. Thanks for reading... whoever decided to read this. I appreciate it. God bless all of u

I have been with my company for a total of 6 years. 5 in one department and i changed to another department a year ago. I loved the new position and was excelling.
My daughter's school called me at work on a Thursday to let me know I needed to come to school immediately. Turns out my daughter was raped over Christmas break (I got the call from the school 2/1.) She hadn't told me or her dad or anyone until that day. I called my boss to let her know what the school had told me. She said I had to come back to work, and that there wasn't really anything for me to do now about it. No sympathy , empathy, nothing. I came to work and straight to the HR department who told me to go home IMMEDIATELY. My supervisor should not have asked me to come in.
I took 2 weeks off to take care of my daughter. I went back to work for 3 days and then my doctor stated I needed time off for myself. So I took another 2 weeks off for myself. I went back to work and worked for about 3 weeks , until mid April when I had myself admitted to an inpatient psychiatric hospital for severe depression. Since then my doctor requested I be off work until May 30 th. I have gone ahead and put my notice in to them.
I guess my reason in posting is to see if anyone has started completely over at almost 40 yrs old? I saw myself having this same job and retiring from them. But due to this crime I have not been able to return to work. I'm looking for a complete new start. Any suggestions ?

Somebody help me here. I got injured on my job in 2016. I was a contract coast to coast driver/mover. I was off work for 15 months, under going two knee surgeries. I was released in December 2017 w/O restrictions. Tried to go back to same company, but once they found out I had hired an attorney, they shut everything down. Now I can't even get a job in a warehouse or even driving a garbage truck. I'm totally lost, as I have never not been able to get a job. What now?

So im California and i was a store manager employed for almost 4 years in June. Learned so much from this company from legal knowledge to computerized work duties with no prior experience or education this company made me and im very thankful. About 3 months ago i was asked to run two stores sure no problem the other store is a small format had its assistant easy pizzy. No one told me the assistant ( not that they had to) was bipolar to the 10th power. After the first outburst slash tantrum it was a hit or miss with her i because stressed because i didn't know if she was calling me to quit and leave the store with no one or just to say hi. Soon after i learned i was pregnant i didn't tell my boss but i did tell him that i didn't want to run the other store, i was stressed my head was hurting i could attend my regular store with my regular employees it was not what i signed up for. He pretty much brushed off my request. I continue for almost another month through this time i was putting more pressure on my assistant Having him to do tasks he wasnt capacitated for and bucked and slowly shutdown which i don't blame the other woman finally had another outburst it was a matter of time and i was left to split myself in two. Excruciating headaches malnutrition pregnancy stress it was the most expensive cocktail that ended my 9 week pregnancy my body was so stressed that it wouldn't let go of the pregnancy. On 3/27 was my breaking point i went in to the clinic they said i was fine they didn't bother to check my baby because my official appointment was the following day. 3/28 no fetal heartbeat 3/29 my Bday i was confirmed and given another appointment to get the baby out. 3/30 i went in to work i couldnt work so i left early. My boss pushing about cigarette counts about conference calls everything seemed like i cheated myself. This company that i dedicated 4 years of my life and work gave me the best lesson learned that i will never forget. 3/31 i resigned i told my boss that if he would have given me support or not made me work like a vending machine, i would still be having my baby. Someone told me i have a case, i have considered it who knows maybe a good lawyer can get an idea of what this is worth from a worldwide corporate company. However my interest is to the now I quit my job base on this Lost my baby due to excessive stress i was unemployed for a 17 days can i apply for unemployment benefits for those days even if it was voluntary resignation??????? I need to make payments and i dont get my first check till the 10th
Sorry for the miss spells or missed grammar

I've been a Caregiver for about 10yrs. I went back to school for MA and I became Nationally Certified under the impression that someday I'll travel outside of San Diego. I tried working as a Medical Assistant in an urgent Care setting. The girls there were so rude and treated me like I wasn't a part of the team. Which has pushed me back to doing Caregiving again because I work one on one and no snobby co-workers around. I want to work with others but after my experience I'm afraid to go work in a hospital setting which is something I would love to do. Any suggestions or advice anyone?