"When looking for a job, make it your job to find a job!" "NEVER apply to opportunities late in the afternoon, shows laziness!" My father was most wise. He did not finish school however, had the business smarts and gumption to run a multi-million dollar business. Unfortunately, we are no longer living in the times where you can walk right in an establishment and ask for an application, speak to hiring person same day-- walking out with a job! WE are up against many applicants. Especially, work from home jobs! Just think about it.... there are 100's or sometimes thousands of applicants to one posting. I remind myself that when the going gets tough push on! Break open those gates and push right on through! Perseverance and thick skin helps allot! #thoughts #looking #pushon #dontgiveup #faith
Lots of encouraging posts here. And plenty not so encouraging posts. Kudos to all who dare to share.
Getting employed is hard. Staying employed can be harder still. As a 60+ employee with a subpar job who has been been part of mass layoffs several times over the course of my career (including just two years before a scheduled/planned retirement, now some years in the past), I can offer few pieces of advice that you have not already heard here or elsewhere.
But here's one: remember that You are not your Job.
This can be especially hard over the holidays, when you're worried about the rent or the mortgage and feeling guilty about all the provisioning you would love to provide your family / partners / whomever.
Opportunities will come. They may not be Good Ones ... you may be forced to choose that lower income, lower prestige, lower job satisfaction position to get you back to where you want to be. Just remember to practice all the self-care you can muster. Reach out to friends, family, your special interest or church groups, wherever you need, to help remind you of your self-worth.
If it gets too dark between your ears, do not shy away from seeking mental/emotional help from a professional. I've done it. It really saved me after my pre-retirement layoff. And gave me some coping tools that helped when they laid off my entire department on my next job a couple of years later on.
You will get through this.
I'm telling you the truth... (MUST READ)
About this time the average person will consider giving up. "Hey, I've submitted about 49 resumes and had no return calls, no emails, text messages, not even a ray of hope from the window's sunlight. I'm ready to give up.
Listen carefully, REGGIE JACKSON holds the record for the most career strikeouts by a batter with 2,597.
HOWEVER, he's not remembered for his historical strikeouts, rather, he's mentioned and noted for his homeruns.
What should do? Get up and step up to the plate (Your Computer) and MENTALLY prepare yourself to HIT A HOMERUN and wait for the crowd to scream!! Or the recruiter to call you. That's how you win the GAME!
Don't be average, get up and hit a homerun...!
I Believe You Can...!
#DontGiveUp #HittingHomeruns #GoFightWin #PersonalDevelopment #ImMotivated #ImReady #BestLifeNow
I'm telling you the truth... (MUST READ)
Each day of your life you MUST stay a little motivated by something: It could be music, motivational and inspirational notes, something you eat or drink, a positive program on TV, a phone call from someone, a love note or letter, a text message or voicemail that can lift your spirit higher.
From many people's experiences, if you don't do this, you can easily find yourself depressed and stranded on the side of the road of life.
Always place something motivational in your life each day. Why? Motivation or inspiration are like the spark plugs in your car. If the sparks stop functioning, guess what? You may too. Plug into something motivational fast.
I Believe You Can...!
#Motivation #Inspiration #Aspire #LiftMeHire #IcanDoIt #DontGiveUp #UnlockYourImagination #NewVision
I have been getting unemployment since March I had no problem of 1st 2 weeks the 3rd week I got no check and then I got a letter saying that I started working but I hadn't started working the employer filed the paperwork with the wrong dates because according to the paper work the employer filed, I started working after I got my pay check that makes no sense had to fight with him on that it took them almost 3 weeks to get that straight got that straight and had no problem until I went back to work for 20 hours a week at a different place because I wasn't going back there because they weren't open yet I filed to pay checks one for $89 the other was for $69 since those 2 claims went in I haven't gotten a check it has been going on 3 months now I'm a single mom with no other income my electric is being shut off I have no food in my house I am supporting a 13 year old and a 16 year old I nothing on absolutely nothing I have called the state of Delaware every week I have filed every week and every week I am on the phone at least a minimum of 4 to 5 hours on hold and screaming at people because there is no more being nice I haven't paid rent I've been getting letters from the landlord saying I'm getting affected which we know they can't do however I am going to be so far behind 8 ball when is money comes because I had to borrow money I had to turn down jobs because I need to get my truck inspected and can't do it because I have no money and it needs fixed before I can take it to get inspected or tag as so I need to say it's a catch-22 and finally I screamed this last 2 weeks and was told that they need to verify where my unemployment was supposed to be coming from which employer well in the last 2 years there's only been 2 employers 1 that was part time and 1 that was full time with the exception of the 1 that lasted 2 weeks and apparently somebody deleted all my information and so it just sat in a pile however I forwarded all the information that they gave me and all the information that I filed with them originally that has not changed that will not change that cannot change because I work those hours they now O me over $4000 plus interest because if the shoe was on the other foot I would be charged 1 and a 1/2 percent interest A-day on every dollar that I was overpaid so I want 1 and a 1/2 percent interest every day for every dollar that they have not paid me if I do not have my money in my account this week not only am I contacting an attorney and the newspapers and the TV stations but I am also contacting an attorney contacting every congressperson there is in my state and then I'm going to contact the lieutenant governor and the governor because either they're going to support me in my children or I'm just gonna show up on their doorstep To get my point across because at this point they have made this pandemic this badd situation in to a catastrophe for my family how do you explain to a 16 year old and a 13 year old that their mother cannot take care of them because she has done nothing wrong but the state just won't give her the money that she's worked so hard for in the last few years I'm not saying this to get sympathy I'm saying this so people understand they are not the only ones out there that are suffering and if there's somebody that can give me some guidance and some help I will gladly take it I am not too friggin proud because you know what I bust my a** every day I'm a good mother I'm a widow of 15 years and I fight everyday for my kids and it's not been easy since the day my husband was killed and I'm still standing here as defeated as I am I'm still standing #stillstanding #dontgiveup #lovingmother #unemploymentepicfailure
After being laid-off back in January and almost 3 months of searching, filling-out applications and interviews, Citi has extended me an offer of employment! I was getting very discouraged and wondered if anyone would hire someone over 50 years old. Thanks to all of you who offered words of encouragement and motivated me to keep trying. I am so grateful!
Sometimes at work I feel like I'm doing the most and no reward. I work hard because that's all I know how to do but, you have a lot of lazy people working around me. I feel like I'm carrying everyone else's workload. I'm tired of it! I try hard not to let it get to me but it's hard. I will not give up though I'm still grateful to have a job. I passed my managers and supervisors test, I've done interviews and I've been employee of the month so I really don't know. I know I'm doing well but I guess it is what it is.#keepworkinghard #dontgiveup
I have been working for a "family owned" company for over 2 year now. Long story short at first it was great, A m-f 7-5 job. Well now over a year later & hanging in there with the company, a few weeks ago my boss tells me to call him before I come in because there might not be any work! I've given estimates on jobs, worked by myself & pretty much did A lot of his work. Out of the past 3 weeks I've worked maybe 6 days total & He knows I have a family to support with children & recently found out we're having another baby. While I've been out trying to do side work my wife has been putting in application's for me. She's been telling me I deserve a better job & one that appreciates a good employee. Well today I got a e-mail for a immediate job opening that she applied for. After a few emails & a phone call I start a new job first thing tomorrow! I called my old boss & asked if he heard anything of course he said no. So I'm out with the old & in with the new, I'm very excited & optimistic, especially with a bigger company, a pay increase& the need for a better opportunity! My point of this is if your experiencing something similar, don't give up, hang in there & if you look you will find a company that will value a good employee!!
You click, apply, interview, and follow up...but then NOTHING happens. You kinda start to wonder...is it ME? It’s not you, it’s them. Sometimes a job just isn't interested. Why waste time feeling rejected when you can move on to a better one?! Just know that until you’re hired on paper that you aren’t truly hired. No matter how many nice things they say or handshakes they give you. SO............
Keep looking. Keep working. Keep hoping.
@It's Your Time Believe and Achieve exactly! You don't get to hit over 500 career home runs by not taking a swing. It's important for job seekers to know that each time you send out a resume, fill out an application, have an interview is another chance to land the job. Take a swing and keep swinging for success.