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It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I'm telling you the truth... (MUST READ)

About this time the average person will consider giving up. "Hey, I've submitted about 49 resumes and had no return calls, no emails, text messages, not even a ray of hope from the window's sunlight. I'm ready to give up.

Listen carefully, REGGIE JACKSON holds the record for the most career strikeouts by a batter with 2,597.

HOWEVER, he's not remembered for his historical strikeouts, rather, he's mentioned and noted for his homeruns.

What should do? Get up and step up to the plate (Your Computer) and MENTALLY prepare yourself to HIT A HOMERUN and wait for the crowd to scream!! Or the recruiter to call you. That's how you win the GAME!

Don't be average, get up and hit a homerun...!

I Believe You Can...!

#DontGiveUp #HittingHomeruns #GoFightWin #PersonalDevelopment #ImMotivated #ImReady #BestLifeNow

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Heath Alva
Community SpecialistBullet point
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Community Specialist

@It's Your Time Believe and Achieve exactly! You don't get to hit over 500 career home runs by not taking a swing. It's important for job seekers to know that each time you send out a resume, fill out an application, have an interview is another chance to land the job. Take a swing and keep swinging for success.

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